What To Do If Your Child Doesn't Want To Study

What To Do If Your Child Doesn't Want To Study
What To Do If Your Child Doesn't Want To Study

The child goes to first grade with pleasure, being able to read and count, he likes to study. What happens then, why is the interest in acquiring knowledge fading away? Outraged by scribbles in notebooks and unfulfilled homework, many parents complain about the reluctance of their children to learn.

What to do if your child doesn't want to study
What to do if your child doesn't want to study

The main thing is not to let the process take its course. It doesn't matter which class your child is in - first grade or graduation, try to figure out the reasons for his lack of interest in learning. Among them may be fatigue, which is especially evident in the third quarter, misunderstanding of the material, boredom, teenage love, problems in relationships with peers or teachers. Remember that bad grades are not a reason to scold a child, but a signal for parents that he needs help: deal with the educational material, think together, suggest a solution to the problem, and make sure that the negative of a bad grade is erased as quickly as possible.

For the baby, routine plays an important role. When your child goes to school, try to maintain a certain rhythm of life to which he is accustomed. It takes time and parental patience for a mischievous toddler to become a diligent student. The cognitive activity of a junior schoolchild is undulating in nature. Periods of stubborn study alternate with periods of "unwillingness" to learn. First graders master knowledge better through rhythmic games, poetry. Engaging in one activity for more than half an hour is difficult for them. Therefore, when doing your homework, take ten-minute rest breaks.

Agree with your child about the time when he studies, and when he watches cartoons, goes for a walk or plays at home. Do not leave the kid alone with the lessons, even just your presence will help him to cope with the work on his own. When you need to remember something, learn the rules, come up with rhymes, use improvised objects, ask questions. Watch together educational programs about science, nature, look for interesting information on the Internet. Classes should not be boring for an elementary school student, but he must firmly know: first lessons, then entertainment.

Education in the middle and senior levels coincides with a certain period of growing up of the child. Calling for discipline in a teenager is not easy. He refuses the values of his parents, he feels like an adult. By imposing your methods harshly, you will only encounter resistance. Let him try different options for doing homework, preparing for lessons, but demand the result. Praise him more often, encourage him to be independent. Attention to the problems and experiences of a teenager, constant dialogue between you are important components of your communication during this period. Be an example for a growing son or daughter, avoid negative statements about the education system, the uselessness of education, etc. in their presence. Children of this age grasp contradictions between words and actions of adults very quickly.
