In the modern world, most children do not consider reading to be something interesting and exciting. How can this situation be corrected?

Why doesn't the child want to read?
First of all, let's look at the reasons for the child's lack of interest in books. Most often, the main problem is the lack of a proper example. If parents, instead of reading, sit at the computer, TV or smartphones, then the child will follow in these footsteps. It is necessary to be the main example for the child! In your free time, put your phone down and pick up a book.
You may be asking too much of your child for their age. If a child has just begun to develop a reading skill, it is absolutely pointless to instill in him a love of reading. What kind of plot can we talk about if you are trying to at least collect letters for a word? For a start, you need to almost to perfection.
Sometimes for children, reading is. After all, so often parents set a condition: until you read at least a chapter, you will not go for a walk! Can this be regarded as something else besides a threat or punishment? It is better to forget about such phrases so that in the future the child does not perceive reading as torture.
How to instill a love of reading?
The most important way to instill in a child a love for the book has already been mentioned above -. In addition, you can read the same books with your child so that you can discuss them with enthusiasm after reading.
Perhaps your child just hasn't found it yet. Remember how you fell in love with reading? Surely not from the first book, but "the very one" that was able to engender a love of reading. Help your child find a suitable genre. Tell about the books that you loved in childhood, start a library of books interesting for children at home, offer them to him, describe.
Allow the child. Don't like a book from the school curriculum? If this does not happen with every book, then there is no trouble in this. Think of yourself in school. There are few children who read absolutely every work of the school curriculum with pleasure. If the book does not go even through force, then you can postpone it. Perhaps the child will return to it later, when "ripe" for the work.
What to do if the child rereads all the time and does not start talking to others? First of all, to be glad that the book captured him. This is the very start, the same starting point for the love of reading. If he reads it a second or third time, there is nothing wrong with that. Try to offer him other books on a similar subject, tell us about them, and interest him. If a child liked one book, then he will certainly move on to others.
Remember, forcing children to read only discourages the love of literature. Read and have your child read with you!