We can say that every skill that a child learns separates him from his parents. At first, the baby rejoices in independence, however, when it becomes a daily duty, the baby's joy goes away. Therefore, it is easier for him to say that he does not know how to do something. In this case, you should remind the child, reassure him and convince him that the love and care of the parents will not go anywhere, even if there are troubles and difficulties on the way.

Step 1
If the baby cannot do something, you can invite him to think about where this can be learned. The Internet, the library and even an ordinary person will help with this. In cases where the child does not cope, mom and dad need to offer their help, but not do the whole thing for the child.
Step 2
If the baby cannot do something or create as perfectly as he would like, you can offer to do it in another way. For example, a little creator wants to draw a lamb. If he does not succeed, it is worth suggesting to draw this animal in a box. Such manipulations will give the baby confidence in his abilities and make him strive for a high-ranking goal.
Step 3
Sometimes words of inability are manifested due to unwillingness to be alone with a difficult and tedious task. Therefore, parents can offer to complete the task together.
Step 4
Any child wants not to learn something, but to be able to do it. Sometimes there are workarounds that help you master the skill quickly enough. Mom and Dad just need to point out these cunning ways.
Step 5
If you ask your child a question that involves two options, the first is to learn how to do something. and the second is for someone to complete the task in his place. Most likely, the baby will choose the second option, however, over time, he will want to do something on his own.
Step 6
Sometimes the baby cannot cope with the problem, because it seems too big for him. It is necessary to help them understand in detail what is the reason for the failure and find out what he can master on his own, and with what he needs help.