To change your child's clothes, calm him down. Do everything consistently, calmly and confidently, avoid sudden movements. Try to distract or cheer your toddler.

- - toy;
- - Smooth surface.
Step 1
To change your baby, first prepare the surface on which you will lay your baby. It must be horizontal. It is also desirable to have fences or obstacles that will protect against falling. If the child turns and moves very actively, then it is best to change his clothes on the floor.
Step 2
Now prepare the clothes in which you will dress your baby. Turn all things out and put them next to you. It is advisable to arrange the clothes in the order in which they will be used. That is, the underwear should be at the top, and the outerwear can be put aside. Spread out all the things so that you can take them and put them on the baby right away.
Step 3
First you need to take off your old clothes. If the baby is crying and asks for his arms, then take him and undress him in your arms. If this is not done, then your further actions will become much more complicated, because the child will be capricious even more, resist and interfere with you in every possible way. When taking off things, just put them aside. You can remove them later, but you shouldn't waste time on this at the moment.
Step 4
To change your baby, first change the diaper, if necessary. If the child still does not know how to sit, then put the undershirt on the surface, and put the crumb on top of it. Grip the pen confidently but gently and place it in the sleeve. Do the same with the other hand. If the shirt does not have fasteners, start at the head and then move on to the handles. If the child is already quite large, then it is better to sit him on a chair or on your lap. On your knees, your baby will feel more comfortable, and you will be able to control his movements.
Step 5
Now put on your romper or tights. Start with one leg: collect the pant leg, place the crumbs at its beginning, pull it up to the knee. Now do the same with the other leg. After that, pull your pants up to the waist, tuck your undershirt into them. If you need to put on outerwear, then go to the hat last, as the head sweats quickly.
Step 6
Dressing your child can be complicated by his active movements and attempts to interfere with you. Distract your baby: change your facial expression, sing songs, tell poems or fairy tales. You can use a toy or ask your spouse for help.