One of the most difficult things for a woman is learning how to communicate properly with her husband. Learning to be silent when the situation calls for it and to speak the right words when necessary. It is very difficult to relate to your husband and build the right, happy relationship. However, even the most difficult relationship problems will dissolve without a trace when a woman learns to do only two things.

The first thing to do is learn to accept your husband. With all its flaws and incorrect (only in your opinion) behavior. The second is to learn to concentrate on the good qualities of the husband. "But how to do it? It's incredibly difficult! I know how good he is! But still sometimes I behave wrongly with him …" - you might think.
There are three simple exercises that are actually magical. Correct communication cannot be learned; it can change by itself. As soon as you internally change your attitude towards a person, so immediately, automatically the person begins to treat you better. Moreover, it can be not only your husband, but your mother, girlfriend or anyone! Your behavior and communication after such practice will become completely different, correct, of high quality!
So take a piece of paper and a pen. On one side, write all the negative qualities of your husband, write what annoys you about him. Take a look at this list and try to accept all of these things. Once you accept them, the changes will already begin! You do not throw the list away, the next time a conflict arises, you can understand what trait you have not accepted, and you can work it out in yourself again.
Now, on another sheet, write the positive qualities of your husband. Attention! For every negative quality, there should be 4 positive ones. It can be some noble deeds committed by your husband and just his positive features! Look at this list, admit to yourself that your husband is just a golden man, see how he loves and cares for you! Now, even in a critical situation, you will definitely remember this feeling of gratitude and gratitude, love for your husband. And you will be able to behave correctly.
Finally, a very enjoyable exercise. Start a "Love Diary" for your husband. Write there every day every little thing that he did for you and your family. It can be a little help at home, attention shown, compliments spoken in passing, and all the things your husband does that bring you joy. This diary is the secret foundation on which a lasting loving family relationship rests! This positive practice can work a real miracle! Look and write in the Diary constantly and let your relationship flourish, become more trusting and stronger!