"Do you swear to love … in sickness and health, in sorrow and joy …?" The vows are made, the union is made. And there seems to be no turning back. But it often happens that the wedding ring, designed to be a symbol of unbreakable marriage bonds, turns into a noose around the neck. And the once beautiful feelings are replaced by a wild desire to return everything to its previous level and never again climb this deceptive ladder - the ladder of unfulfilled desires and into the dust of spreading hopes …

Step 1
To change your husband, you need to mean something to him. And in order to maintain your spouse's interest in yourself, you need to take care of yourself. You should always be concerned about how you look. Don't you dare stop caring about your figure, hair, makeup, clothes and other important components of your image! You are not entitled to this for a very simple reason: you are a woman! Forgetting about this immutable truth, you will immediately cease to exist for your spouse!
Step 2
To force your husband to change, you must allow him to languish in anticipation of you. Such is life and such are people - sooner or later we get bored, we (men to a greater extent!) Tend to get too fed up with absolutely everyone too quickly. And it is quite natural that a man quickly gets tired of the fact that his wife is always the same. Not in the sense that “it would be necessary to find a replacement for it” (although, if nothing changes, over time, he will come to this idea). It means that she is always at home, always doing laundry or cooking, or watching a stupid TV show, always the same, or rather, equally boring. Let you have your own interests, affairs, acquaintances, meetings that have nothing to do with your spouse. Of course, this is not about adultery! Join any hobby club, do shaping, yoga, dance, photography, sculpture, pottery, fine arts - something that has always attracted you, but for which you never had enough time. Learn to be different, completely different from the past, often surprise him, do not be afraid of novelty.
Step 3
Your husband can make concessions to you and begin to change if he has a real idea of how he will be without you. This is by no means a call for you to pack up all your belongings and move away from him in the hope that you will kneel down to beg for your return. Not the fact that in such a situation everything will be decided in your favor … A delicate and tactful step is necessary here. For example, ask for a business trip at work, go to visit relatives in another city for a short time, or develop a little with old friends with whom you have long agreed to have a rest all together. In a word, the reason for separation must be sufficiently weighty, and it must last at least three days. Left without your presence, attention and care in real time, your spouse roughly realizes what the final break with you will mean, so he will learn to truly appreciate you and everything you do for him!
Step 4
Ever heard of Pygmalion, the mythological sculptor who sculpted a statue of the most beautiful woman? He was so mesmerized and admired by his own creation that he fell in love with him without memory. Day and night, he prayed to the Olympian gods that the statue would reciprocate. And finally, Aphrodite heard his pleas, took pity on the unfortunate lover and revived the statue for him. In psychology, there is such a thing as the "Pygmalion effect" (the effect of justified expectations). It has been proven through thousands of experiments that with the most common but sincere expectations, you can change a person's character without resorting to tricks like persuasion, coercion or manipulation. So do not doom in advance your attempts to change your husband to failure with your own disbelief! Better influence your own expectations, tune in to a positive result and be patient!