Expectation of a child is a special period in the life of every family. These 9 months can either significantly improve the interaction of spouses or worsen them, and it all depends on both the man and the woman. It is the behavior of both that will affect the future.

Step 1
Having a child is a crucial step for a man. During this period, he realizes that the number of people in the family is increasing, that he will have to completely change his life. And there are usually two reactions: joy, if the child is desired, or bewilderment, if this moment is unplanned. The attitude towards a woman in the first stages of bearing a baby will depend on his first sensations. There is no need to expect delight from him, it takes time for a man to realize this event, so give him time.
Step 2
Most men, after the news of future fatherhood, begin to treat their spouse more carefully. Now she is not just a woman, but a valuable vessel carrying a son or daughter. This impulse must be noticed and used, then the husband will be ready to help more with the housework, will pay attention to household chores that can be a burden for the lady of the heart. There is no need to refuse his help, because this is how he tries to take on great responsibility, get used to it. But it is also not worth shifting all responsibilities around the house to him, so that he does not feel that he is being used.
Step 3
Some men become compulsively caring. For example, control that the spouse dresses warmly, does not smoke or eat any food. It may even be unpleasant, since this behavior manifests itself in every step, which deprives the lady of her independence. In such a situation, it is necessary to explain to him that pregnancy is not a disease, and the woman herself has enough knowledge about how not to harm herself and keep the baby healthy.
Step 4
During pregnancy, a man's attitude towards sex changes. He is afraid to harm the baby, and sexual contacts become softer and more tender. At this time, a man is less eager to experiment, so as not to interfere with the correct course of pregnancy. There are times that he even experiences fear of intimacy, because he does not know how this will affect the child. Some fathers deliberately cut back on lovemaking. But here you just need to be guided by the doctor's recommendations, if he does not prohibit the continuation of sexual activity, then everything is in order, you can enjoy each other. Refusal of sex should not be perceived as a loss of desire by a man, a cooling of love, rather it is a concern for the life of the two closest people - a woman and a baby.
Step 5
During the pregnancy of the wife, some men become more irascible towards their spouse. This phenomenon is not common, but it is usually caused by the behavior of a woman. If a lady constantly demands something, if she does it very persistently, this can cause irritation. Of course, the desires of a pregnant woman are constantly changing, but you need to gently ask the man for fulfillment, and not throw tantrums. Nervousness occurs only when a woman provokes it.