If a teenager does not want to study, you need to motivate him to gain knowledge. Morality and, moreover, violence in this case will not bring the desired effect, but can only cause aggression or alienation from the adolescent.

First of all, you need to talk to a teenager who does not want to study, and find out the reason for this behavior.
If this is common laziness, then try to educate the student's willpower and perseverance. Agree with him that only after completing his homework he will be able to go to the movies with friends or do some of his favorite things. Or write it down to some kind of sports section. Very often, in sports schools, coaches not only monitor the physical fitness of their pupils, but also control their progress in an educational institution. When the question arises that, due to poor performance, a teenager may miss some serious competition or training camp, most likely he will be able to catch up at school in a short time.
In order for a desire to appear every day, without being forced to do homework, a teenager must see the perspective, what he is working for. Talk to the student, find out what he dreams of, what profession interests him. Discuss with him which university he will need to enter in the future and which exams (USE by choice) to take. Check with the institute what the USE results (points) in the last academic year were passing to the budgetary department. Discuss with the teenager the possibility of taking preparatory courses, extracurricular activities in these academic subjects. The student must see the goal, the perspective, and then the classes will not seem boring and uninteresting to him.
Try to involve the teenager not only in conscious learning at school, but also in participation in various subject Olympiads, conferences, competitions and festivals. If he sees the positive results of his efforts, he will strive for ever greater heights. Having won the regional subject Olympiad, he will most likely want to show the same high results at the city and regional levels, etc. And for this he will need to read even more books, study even deeper this or that academic subject. Buy him interesting, informative books, encyclopedias, editions from the cycle "Life of Remarkable People", etc.
In addition, at such events (Olympiads, conferences, KVN), the student will find like-minded people, the same children who are keen on learning. And a positive example is always a desire to achieve the same excellent results or even better.
Be a companion and assistant to your teenager, take an interest in his academic success, support and encourage. And of course, don't forget to tell your children how much you love and are proud of them.