A working man who fully supports his family is an uncommon occurrence today. It depends on many factors. The upbringing of true masculine qualities in the family from childhood, the example of parents, as well as the influence of the spouse in the process of family life - everything plays a role. But any person can be encouraged to find a good job, the main thing is to do it correctly and unobtrusively. After all, this is your beloved husband.

Step 1
To give a man an active attitude to a conscientious, interesting and well-paid job, it is necessary from the first days of family life to encourage your husband in every possible way and help him in all difficult moments. You should never grumble, grumble and reproach your husband for failure, frivolity. In no case should you cite the husbands of your girlfriends, who are supposedly more successful and successful, as an example.
Step 2
If your husband is not yet working, for example, is in a free search after graduation, you need to help him find a job. A decent, promising job in my specialty. Even if the salary when applying for a job is initially offered low, but you think that there is a prospect of further career growth in this job, you need to persuade your husband to agree to the proposed conditions.
Step 3
It is necessary to ask the husband about his work, helping, if necessary, with advice. You also need to constantly remind in plain text or veiled (depending on the circumstances) about the merits of the husband, his value in this job.
If a man is reserved and taciturn in nature, you need to be very careful and moderately persistent in asking him about how the day went. But do not bother with unnecessary conversations, otherwise the husband will withdraw into himself.
Step 4
You should always enjoy the money earned by your husband. Even if it is still a little money. For the first salary, it is advisable to arrange a small family holiday.
Until the husband is fully on his feet, does not earn his credibility and promotion, you do not need to demand gifts for yourself and insist on buying too expensive things. We'll have to wait a bit. With the correct formulation of the question and the correct behavior of the husband and wife, career growth and wages will not be long in coming. Then there will be gifts and purchases.
Only with gentle persistence, advice, help and great love can you achieve your goals. And soon the husband will work with pleasure, enthusiasm, quickly move up the career ladder and earn decent money.