Waiting for a child is an unusual, wonderful time. A completely new life begins, you need to have time to do, prepare, buy for the birth of a new person. Of course, you will think about children's things first. And I will tell you about useful household little things

Step 1
Bath board. This is a special board that is placed on the bathtub so that you can put something on it. They are made of wood and plastic. I have plastic ones - and I'm happy, they are lighter in weight than wooden ones. I recommend taking two of these, because you can put a baby bath on them. And also, you can connect two such boards, put a soft travel mat on them and put the baby there to change the diaper and wash it with a shower - convenient, you don't even have to buy a changing table
Step 2
Steamer packages. These are special zip-lock bags for the microwave oven. In them, you can cook anything you want in a matter of minutes, and you get a dish cooked as if steamed. You will need them to prepare food for yourself and your family, as there will be very little time and energy for cooking during the first months. And also, when you start giving the baby complementary foods, you can quickly cook vegetables in such bags, make mashed potatoes and give the baby
Step 3
Strainer. To rub various fruits through the baby when complementary foods begin. Not everything can be done with a blender, sometimes with a strainer you can achieve the best consistency
Step 4
Christmas garland. You can hang it in the nursery and periodically turn on the baby - it will be very interesting for him to watch the multi-colored lights
Step 5
Convenient mop. When the baby learns, the floors will need to be wiped every day. To do this, you should always have a comfortable mop at hand, so that you can quickly do wet cleaning and let the baby crawl.
Step 6
Wall calendar of the current year. There you can record by circling those dates that cannot be skipped. For example, seeing a pediatrician, starting medication, and other benefits