What Should A Mother Do If A Child Under One Year Old Fell Off The Couch

What Should A Mother Do If A Child Under One Year Old Fell Off The Couch
What Should A Mother Do If A Child Under One Year Old Fell Off The Couch

When a child falls, it is necessary to monitor his behavior for the first hour. In case of loss of consciousness, vomiting, fractures, dizziness, call a doctor. Do not let the baby sleep for the first hours after falling, otherwise it will be difficult to assess his condition.

What should a mother do if a child under one year old fell off the couch
What should a mother do if a child under one year old fell off the couch

When a baby is born, parents are well aware of how vulnerable their child is to the outside world. But even with the most caring parents, it sometimes happens that the child falls to the floor. This usually occurs before the age of one year and gives mom and dad a real shock.

Experts strongly recommend that you calm down yourself first. Your stress and tension is given over to the baby, so he may be even more frightened when he sees the unusual state of his parents.

In what situations is it necessary to urgently call a doctor?

1. If a child starts crying very hard, he has bleeding, an open fracture. Fortunately, this rarely happens when you fall off the couch.

2. If the body is intact, bleeding is not observed, but the child has an arm or leg in an unnatural position.

3. If the child falls and stops moving, he does not respond to your calls, and there is constant vomiting.

4. When the baby gets up on his own, but experiences severe dizziness or pain.

In these situations, delay can cost you too much, so don't hesitate to call an ambulance.

What problems might arise?

When soft tissues are bruised, there is an abrasion or a bump. The child usually does not cry for long, then his behavior becomes normal. With this type of injury, the brain does not suffer. If vomiting appears, there is a loss of consciousness, pallor of the skin, the child refuses to eat, most likely, he has a concussion. With a brain injury, loss of consciousness can last for a long time, and respiratory and cardiac disorders can occur.

In any case, if you suspect that the baby bumped his head, you must very carefully monitor his behavior and, in case of any changes, immediately call specialists.

First aid

If there is no damage to the bones, apply a cloth soaked in cold water or ice to the impact site. This will relieve swelling and pain. Try to keep the child at rest, but do not let him fall asleep. This can prevent you from tracking his condition.

If the child has lost consciousness, he must be put on his side so that the vomit does not enter the respiratory tract. Turn the baby with great care. Even if there is no visible damage, go to the emergency room. There, the baby will undergo an ultrasound scan, an X-ray, and an ophthalmologist, neurologist and pediatrician will look at him.
