Features Of Styles In Family Education

Features Of Styles In Family Education
Features Of Styles In Family Education

Family education is the most important process of parents' influence on the personalities of their children in order to form certain qualities in them.

Features of styles in family education
Features of styles in family education

Four parenting styles can be considered sequentially:

  • Authoritarian.
  • Permissive.
  • Guardian.
  • Authoritative.

Consider a seemingly ordinary family: the father is caring and attentive, allows the child whatever he wants. The mother is the same in character, she also takes care of the child, does absolutely everything for him. To all this, in this family, the word always remains with the mother, she is the head of the family. The child in this family was not independent, he did what he wanted. This child was not taught to control his behavior and himself. In a family that raised a child only in a permissive and protective style of upbringing, he would grow up not only selfish and constantly dissatisfied with someone, but also helpless and insecure. But suddenly the family collapses and a new father comes to it. The family is changing dramatically.

Mother no longer has such a word in the family as before, she is no longer the head of the family.

The head of the family is a new father who came to the family with his own style of upbringing - authoritarian. He is tough, controls the actions and actions of the child. The child immediately loses care, love and affection.

Over time, the child learned to do everything himself, became obedient and independent, but not only his mother, but also the new father did not become an authority for him during all this time of upbringing. Moving from freedom to a tough upbringing, the child only became afraid, the parents only made it worse.

Yes, perhaps the child will grow up obedient and executive, but he will be afraid from childhood and in adulthood this will affect his character.

Thus, in order for a child to grow up not intimidated, kind, obedient, you should not use only one style in upbringing, you need to take from everyone something good for the child: indulge in moderation, punish in moderation and, of course, be primarily authorities. for your child, so that he has someone to look up to in the future.
