Relationships are hard work. Even the happiest couples put in a lot of effort to maintain a good relationship. If your couple had a difficult stage, you need to try to get your relationship back on a positive track. If rebuilding your relationship is a mutual priority, you can work on it together to start fresh and be happy together again.

- Make time for each other. In the midst of all the daily complexities of work, people lose touch with their mate, even if they see each other every day. Your relationship will become more vulnerable if you feel more like roommates than a couple. This can be improved by taking a few minutes each day to check with each other about how the day went, regularly planning outings to the restaurant or the movies, or by calling during the day just to say hello.
- Listen to each other. Intense communication is the foundation of a healthy relationship. Listening to how your partner spent the day or what worries him will help him understand that you care about what’s going on in his life.
- Show respect for each other. It is impolite to upset your partner, constantly abandon planned activities, or behave in a way that lowers his self-esteem. When paired with healthy relationships, people try to make each other happy and enjoy themselves.
- Let go of the past. If your partner has hurt you in the past, you need to forgive him. If you want to stay with him, you need to find a way to sort out all the misunderstandings between you, and then forget about them. It’s impossible to restore the foundation of a healthy relationship if you’re still worried about past troubles.
- Work with your partner to change the nuances that you don't like in the relationship. If you have had disagreements in the past because he didn’t want to help around the house, arrange for him to do some household chores and make you feel like he’s doing something too. Or, if you've been unhappy in the past because you've never done anything fun together, plan regular activities together.