A family is not only the living of two spouses in the same territory, but also the ability to listen, hear and negotiate. Which is very rare nowadays.

To create an ideal family or one close to the ideal, it takes a lot of effort both for the husband and wife and their relatives. After all, there are many situations and cases when young families break up due to the interference of the older generation. Grandmothers and mothers teach young people the "correct" life, not taking into account the fact that not all of them accept their "correctness". In this case, you need to treat your newly-made relatives as tactfully and loyally as possible. In order not to inflame the situation from the very beginning, you need to look for compromises.
After the wedding, life begins, which was not even close before. After all, meeting and living together are very different concepts. Being around the clock under the same roof with parents, you need to respect their opinion, and not just the husband (wife). It is much easier to start family life separately.
You should not enter into a conflict, there is always a way out, and as it was written above, you need to look for compromises. There is an approach to absolutely any person, you just need to find it. But you shouldn't be allowed to "sit on your head." It is worthwhile to immediately make it clear that you are adults and can solve some issues (problems) yourself. You need to express your opinion, but so as not to offend anyone.
At first, all couples quarrel, get used to each other and get to know each other again. They learn habits, food preferences and daily routine, because before the wedding everyone had their own, and now they are common. Away from parents, it is easier to get used to the role of husband and wife. Immediately, one gains one's own experience of family life, and does not try on someone else's.
In order for new relatives to love you, it is advisable to invite them to visit, and not wait for them to come themselves. Celebrate the holidays together, go to picnics or just have tea. You can ask for advice even if you don't need it. Then the parents will know that they are needed and respected, and they will crawl less with unnecessary teachings.
As for the parents, they also need to realize that their child has grown up and has his own family. Respect and support his opinion and actions.
With the birth of the baby, the spouses try on the role of the parents, which in turn further strengthens the marriage. Household responsibilities should be divided among themselves, since it is difficult for a young mother to cope with everything alone. Often, dads do not realize the seriousness of the situation and think that caring for a baby is easy, which is very wrong. In this case, you can arrange a coup, leaving the dad with the child for a while, and go to the salon or just go shopping. Two or three hours is quite enough for the husband to help around the house in the future and not sawing for unwashed dishes or an uncleaned house.
Sleepless nights affect the psyche, so do not forget about rest and do fasting days, leaving the baby to the same grandparents, they will only be glad.
Keeping a family together is much harder than destroying it. Don't look for easy solutions separately, overcome difficult ones together, love each other, value and respect each other.