Some couples are confident in marital fidelity, so they believe that they do not need to use condoms. However, they forget that the condom protects not only against sexually transmitted infections.

Features of using a condom
Contraception is very important when looking for a life partner. It is necessary to be protected from sexually transmitted infections and from unwanted conception. In marriage, the first reason for protection disappears. Spouses usually already have approximately the same set of pathogens, since they exchanged them more than once, and suddenly serious infections that have arisen often appear not because of sex on the side, but more often as a result of reduced immunity after an illness (thrush in men, for example). So the question is only in the protection against unwanted pregnancy. But is it worth resorting to the crudest form of contraception with a loved one, being married to him?
Condoms, even the most ultra-thin ones, reduce sensitivity at times, depriving you of the most intimate sensual communication with your spouse. In addition, scientists have proven that active sperm are able to penetrate the pores of the latex and get to the egg. There are still small nuances that need to be considered if you still choose this contraceptive. The condom should be stored exclusively in a cool place, otherwise its pores will stretch. If additional grease-based lubricant is applied to the latex base of the condom, it can be damaged. The lubricant should be only water-based, that is, petroleum jelly, baby cream, oil, not suitable, there are special lubricants in the pharmacy or sex shop.
Does a couple need a condom?
Still, a condom is considered a youth contraceptive, and for spouses it is not suitable for the following reason. Imagine that the egg lives and waits for its "prince" for only 24 hours. And sperm live only 48 hours. And these 3 days a month are the most relevant for conception. And women who know their cycle well feel great when these days come. And is it really necessary to resort to using the crudest of contraceptives during these 3 days a month, well, a week a month? After all, there is a huge variety of ways to make love that can be practiced during these "rudimentary" days.
Teach your man the technique of squirting, the technique of obtaining a female orgasm using 3 male fingers, and your partner will be rewarded for his little efforts and patience with a happy woman rushing about in bed with intense arousal. Calculate your dangerous days and enjoy love with your spouse all month as you learn new love techniques together. You cannot imagine how much pleasure you can give to each other without actually penetrating. Love each other without any latex intermediaries, which were invented precisely to protect against infections in ancient times, in order to somehow contain the spreading diseases. Now this is already an atavism, not suitable for established partners.