Disappointments in a child's life are quite common: favorite characters turn out to be fake, parents do not always fulfill wishes, and gifts are not what the baby asked for.

Step 1
Should you protect your child from disappointments in life? Is it possible to calmly look into his eyes, filled with tears and grief? For a loving parent, this is an unbearable torment. And yet, even the most caring parent will not be able to completely protect the child from disappointment. Moreover, it is not always necessary to do this.
Step 2
Disappointments in a child's life are completely different: they did not buy sweets in the store, and they did not give an expensive toy for their birthday. The request was denied, punished and forbidden to walk, and the computer was taken for poor grades. There are hundreds of examples. All situations in which the child is waiting for something and then does not get what was planned or to which he is used to, and they suddenly change their course, cause grief and disappointment.
Step 3
It will not work to protect the child from such disappointments, and it is often unnecessary. After all, if the child does not have such examples and refusals, he will grow up spoiled and selfish. Small disappointments help the baby in the process of socialization, accustoming to the rules and in understanding that not everything is allowed to him.
Step 4
Minor problems and misunderstandings can be resolved by simple conversation with the child. Yes, today he did not get the desired sweetness, but mom can cook something delicious at home. In addition, parents should strive to prevent this desire if they do not intend to do what the child expects. You can immediately declare that in the store you need to buy only basic products, the parents do not intend to spend money on everything else. Or they cannot give the child an expensive toy for the holiday; one should not hope that he will receive such a gift.
Step 5
To prevent children's frustrations, parents should not change their behavior abruptly. For example, if the baby was constantly pampered, and then decided to keep it strict, of course, this will lead to his disappointment, misunderstanding, whims and resistance. Tantrums and frustration in this case, parents are guaranteed. Change your relationship with your child gradually. Let the baby get used to the new conditions, it is important that he has time to understand the changed situation, otherwise it will be unpleasant for him and lead to stress.
Step 6
What is absolutely not allowed is the disappointment of children due to unfulfilled promises of parents. If mom or dad promised to come to a concert with a child, go to a holiday with him or arrange a surprise, you need to postpone all important affairs, meetings and rush jobs at work, because a broken promise is the biggest shock for the baby. He is unlikely to ever forget this and will not soon forgive this to his parents. In addition, this behavior will show the child that he can cheat and break his promises. It will be extremely difficult for parents to regain authority after such disappointment.