Sooner or later, conflicts and quarrels arise in any family. However, each family goes through this kind of trial in its own way. Some believe that family swearing is quite common, while others are convinced that it is necessary to fight for a comfortable family life without mutual reproaches and misunderstandings. It is this last belief that is true: in order to be a happy married couple, spouses need to constantly work on their relationships.

The foundation of a long, happy relationship is the presence within the family of love, understanding, trust and respect. With these ingredients in place, every couple has a chance to be happy. But besides a solid foundation, it is also important to know and adhere to the basic norms of coexistence within the family.
Communication is the key to a happy relationship
First of all, each of the spouses needs to learn to listen to each other. Thanks to this skill, ardent quarrels and strife can be avoided. If a disagreement has arisen in a couple, it is necessary to sit down at the "negotiating table", carefully and without interrupting to listen to each other, and only after that, without unnecessary emotions, you should try to find a compromise.
A happy family cannot exist without trust. And it is built on sincerity, so it is extremely important to be open in communication. If you have any problems, you do not need to close in yourself, it is better to share your experiences with your other half. She will definitely understand and provide support in difficult times.
It is important to try to communicate with each other as much as possible. Especially if you can't spend a lot of time together. When talking, do not dwell on things that relate exclusively to family matters.
Married couple and relations with relatives
Maintaining a relationship with your other half's family is inevitable. At the same time, the relatives of a spouse or spouse do not always dispose to positive and easy communication. Sometimes there can be mutual anger and irritability altogether. But in no case should you show the family of your second half the negative that has appeared. Otherwise, the appearance of discord and mutual reproaches within the couple will be inevitable.
If the relationship with the spouse's family is "strained", then it is worth keeping such communication to a minimum. To maintain relations, congratulations on the holidays and visiting once a month will be enough. In these rare moments of communication, it is important to always be polite and tolerant.
No matter how difficult the relationship with the family of your other half is, you cannot demand from the spouse to completely stop communicating with their relatives.
But quite often married couples are in excellent relations with relatives, both on one side and on the other. In this case, you must definitely start creating your own family traditions. It's so great to spend time surrounded by a large and friendly family. For example, you can start a tradition of inviting relatives to your home for a festive dinner or go out together for a picnic on the first day of summer. All this will help create a favorable climate and strengthen relationships within the couple.