There are no ideal relationships in the world, this is a fact. But still, some couples break up during the "period of storms", while others only grow stronger. What's the secret?

In fact, the point is far from that happy couples don't fight or are too similar. They just know how to resolve conflicts in slightly different ways and generally look at relationships in a different way.
1. In a happy couple, partners admit that they need each other.
A completely different approach is cultivated in modern society. Now people are taught that to love someone and to depend on someone means to be weak, that you need to try to be strong and independent, no matter what. People are ashamed of their need for love and care, although this is inherent in us by nature.
In a happy couple, partners need each other and do not hide it. They do not hesitate to say: "I need you" or "I want to know that you love me no matter what." This behavior is not perceived as weakness. In addition, expressing your needs in this way is much more productive than reproaching.
2. In happy couples, disagreements cannot ruin a relationship.
All people are different, and all their views on life are also different. This applies to all areas: finance, sharing responsibilities at home, leisure, parenting, etc. Happy couples don't argue over which position is correct and whose position is not. They openly discuss their views during dialogue, rather than argue about it. Such partners try to find a compromise so that both win, and not come to such a decision when one is the winner and the other is the loser. In such pairs, both sides are partners, not rivals.
3. In happy couples, partners can admit their mistakes.
This principle means little more than just admitting wrong. Partners are not afraid to look vulnerable, they understand that admitting a mistake should not lower self-esteem, and vice versa. They are always ready to apologize if they hurt their partner, or they are ready to hear from a partner not what they wanted. By showing respect for their partner and acknowledging their responsibilities, such couples can build stronger, happier relationships that are enjoyable for both of them.
4. In happy couples, selfishness fades into the background.
In happy couples, people listen to each other and are ready to give their partner the opportunity to be himself, even when his personal qualities are not up to par. Relationships for such couples are a life priority, they cannot be undermined by personal differences. People listen and hear each other, accept what is important to their partner, and always try to compromise their personal interests if it is beneficial to the relationship.
5. Happy couples value each other
Partners do not take each other for granted, they are grateful and appreciate every moment they spend together. This kind of love heals the souls of people. When your partner sees that you value him, for him it means that you have discerned his best qualities. Plus, these couples appreciate what they have. They set common goals and move towards them, but at the same time do not forget to enjoy the moment.
6. In happy couples, they know how to forgive
In happy couples, people do not harbor resentment. They don't have to feel hurt over and over again. This approach destroys the relationship, gradually changing your attitude towards your partner. Happy couples immediately deal with a situation in which one offends the other and do so in a constructive manner. Or, if they decide not to raise a question, they really forgive each other, and do not harbor anger and resentment, so that they can suddenly throw it out.
In happy couples, people also hurt each other, but they approach conflicts with love and empathy. This is the main difference between happy and unhappy couples.