Children are full of energy and interest in the world around them. However, the variety of computer games often distracts them from reality. Your task is to find an interesting and developing hobby and interest your child in it.

Step 1
Already at an early age, individual abilities and interests are manifested. Talent must be developed from childhood, helping the child to choose a hobby, give him the opportunity to find a circle that suits his hobbies. Take the initiative on such a serious matter. Tell your child what circles and sections exist. Ask what he would like to do.
Step 2
Do not insist, but carefully guide the child towards the goal. The main thing that you must understand is that, although your child is small, he already has his own preferences and minimal ideas about life. No need to force him to do an uninteresting business. You should not embody your unfulfilled dreams in this little man. Children have more subtle intuition than adults, and sometimes they know better what suits them in life. With your pressure and adherence to principles, you can only spoil the relationship with the child.
Step 3
Before sending your kid to this or that section, ask him why he is interested in this particular activity. Children often do not know where they are going and are carried away by the stories of their peers. So that your child is not disappointed, try to tell him as much as possible about this lesson, about the difficulties that the child may face. He has to put in effort to get results. But if a child does not have the ability for this activity, he should not get upset and lose faith in himself.
Step 4
When you decide together on the choice of a circle, at first go with your child, but do not control him. He should feel your support, but not an obsession. The child himself must learn to get along with the new team, master new activities for him. Always support your baby in successes and failures, but you should not overpraise him, put him better than others. Try to give an objective assessment of his activities, but show that you love and appreciate him not for his success in the circle or in school.
Step 5
If the child does not immediately manage to master difficult moments - try with him. Practice the musical scale, help him dance or play sports. Be there. Try to inspire your little one by telling him about people who have achieved great success in his hobbies, such as Olympic champions. Show your child that everything is possible with the right effort, but don't compare him to idols so that he doesn't feel worse than others.
Step 6
Never get angry with your little one if they are not successful. Let him be independent - at any time he can give up this hobby, but it must be a serious deliberate act. Try to switch the child's attention to the opposite type of activity, maybe in this matter he will show himself better and find a life calling.