The birth of a child is perhaps the most exciting event in the life of a family. Finally, a little man was born, and my mother is preparing to be discharged from the hospital. The newly-made father should try to make this event a real holiday, which will forever be remembered as the happiest day.

Step 1
If you have already celebrated the birth of your baby, it's time to start cleaning up the apartment. Take out all the trash, wet mop, vacuum furniture and carpets. Pay special attention to the children's room.
Step 2
Inspect the refrigerator. Throw away foods that are past their expiration date. Your wife won't have time to cook for the first few days, so make your own lunch. A young mother will benefit from lean meat and fish, cereals, especially buckwheat, vegetables and fruits. It is better not to buy sweets, unless your spouse asks you to.
Step 3
If you didn't manage to do it earlier, prepare the nursery. Install a crib for the baby, cover it with hypoallergenic linen.
Step 4
You can come up with a festive decoration of the apartment. Draw a poster with congratulations, decorate the rooms with balloons, cut out paper angels and hearts.
Step 5
It is not worth planning a banquet in honor of the birth of the heir on the day of discharge, the young mother will be too tired for this. On this day, invite those closest to you: grandparents on both sides.
Step 6
Take care in advance of the transport on which you will take your spouse and child home. Depending on your financial capabilities, it can be either a luxury limousine or a regular taxi car. If you plan to drive your own car, it will be better if someone else is driving while you pay attention to your wife and child.
Step 7
Order a photo or video shooting. You should not photograph the exit of the mother and child on your own, instead of being next to your wife. Also, do not hand the camera over to newly-made grandparents - they are also eager to communicate with the baby and congratulate the mother. An excellent option if the shooting is carried out by a specialist.
Step 8
Buy your spouse a luxurious bouquet of flowers. But chocolate should not be given, this product is contraindicated for nursing mothers. Better give the box of chocolates to the medical staff, because they also played an important role in the birth of your heir.