Discharge from the hospital is often attended not only by young parents and a baby, but also by relatives and friends of the family, and the baby's first appearance turns into a solemn event. Prepare for this event in advance.

Step 1
After giving birth without complications, the mother and baby are discharged within a week. If the baby was born by caesarean section, you can go home by 5-6 days. After a natural birth, the doctors will release you for 4-5 days.
Step 2
Discharge from the hospital is often accompanied by a photo shoot, so you should think about how you will look in advance.
Step 3
It is better to prepare all things in advance so that the young dad does not forget or confuse anything. Write down a list of what you need to check out. Collect a separate package, sign it, put it in a prominent place in the nursery and show it to your husband. Everything should be ready before you leave for the hospital. Ask your husband to bring things the day before discharge so that if he forgets something, he has time to take it.
Step 4
Mom will need nice, comfortable clothes. Depending on the season, weather and woman's preferences, it can be a sundress, dress, trousers with a blouse, etc. After giving birth, most new mothers still have a protruding belly for several months, so choose clothes that do not emphasize the waist. Focus on the things that you wore in 4-6 months of pregnancy. You will have a baby in your arms, so choose clothes without hard jewelry on your chest so that your baby does not get hurt. For example, blouses with rhinestones and sequins should not be worn.
Step 5
Choose stable shoes with little or no heels. In autumn, winter and spring, outerwear should also be prepared. Most often, husbands forget to bring exactly shoes and warm clothes, so take care of this yourself.
Step 6
Place hairpins or hair ties in a bag to draw out. They come in handy to quickly get your hair done, because you most likely will not have time for styling. Also prepare the necessary makeup.
Step 7
By tradition, babies are ordered in festive envelopes tied with satin ribbons. However, more and more newborns are taken away from the hospital in beautiful clothes. Decide which option you like and purchase the appropriate items in the store. A child in an envelope cannot be fastened in a car seat, so you should have clothing with you that allows you to transport your baby in a child seat.
Step 8
The baby will need a disposable diaper, bodysuit and clothing appropriate for the season for discharge. In summer it can be a light cotton slip, in spring and autumn - demi-season overalls, and in winter - a warm envelope. Don't forget to get a hat. Even in hot summer, it is better to put on a light hat on your baby. Hats with ties are dangerous, so you should get a headgear that won't tighten around your neck.
Step 9
If you have your own car, purchase a car seat to transport your child. You can also order a taxi with an infant car seat at the maternity hospital.