Starting a family is an important event in a woman's life. Mutual love, husband and children are part of the picture of a happy life, on which girls are brought up from childhood. The changes that are rapidly occurring in all areas of our life with the development of technology have also affected the relationship between men and women. And now the question is being asked more and more often: should a woman be sure to be married?

One of the traditional questions that a woman often hears is: is she married? A new team, a meeting of graduates, a family holiday. Even if the question is not directly raised, it is in the air. A married woman will answer it simply. And what to do unmarried? Does a woman have to be married to avoid social pressure?
Why is it important to be married?
One of the main reasons a woman wants to get married is tradition. For many centuries in Orthodox Russia, the institution of marriage was quite strong. And in Soviet times, divorces and civil marriages were not common. Unmarried women were pitied, sometimes censured, and all career opportunities were not always open to them. Marriage gave a woman a new status, opened up new horizons. And this memory of generations, a tribute to traditions, makes the creation of a family attractive for women, being one of the incentives for marriage.
By creating an official family with a woman, a man confirms the seriousness of his intentions. And this confidence allows a woman to feel free, especially now, when civil marriages are so common. The stamp in the passport gives some guarantee of a stable future for a woman and her children. A woman feels protected, has a strong person nearby who is able to share all the difficulties of a psychological, physical and material nature. This is reflected in behavior and character. Married people are more balanced and calm than their free girlfriends. Moreover, the wedding is one of the happiest days in life. A woman feels herself the most beautiful, important and necessary. Glowing eyes, a fluffy dress, a beautiful hairstyle and an admiring look of a loved one are the embodiment of a childhood dream of happiness.
Unfortunately, in our society, there is a lot of psychological pressure on young unmarried women. Parents, relatives, married girlfriends and colleagues ask a lot of uncomfortable questions. And often women get married only because they want to stop the pressure, stop being the object of close attention, because of the imposed fear of loneliness.
Marriage and motherhood in legal marriage is perceived by a woman as one of the components of personal happiness. Talking about her successes, a woman will not only describe her professional achievements, the level of development of her hobby, but also evaluate herself as a wife, mother and hostess. The realization of this goal is a rather serious reason for marriage.
And if a woman is free?
Free women who are not married are now more common. Usually, the reason why they do not get married is the absence of a decent man nearby who can qualitatively improve a woman's life, make her happier. Sometimes there are initially exaggerated requirements for a life partner. Then the choice becomes even more difficult.
One of the reasons for choosing a free life is a bad experience of family life or a negative example of a parental family. Not wanting to experience negative emotions, fearing in advance a break in relations, a woman makes a conscious choice in favor of loneliness.
Women also note the pluses of an independent life. First of all, it is freedom of choice. It concerns all aspects of life. An unmarried woman makes all decisions herself, focusing on her tastes and preferences. She plans her schedule, allocates free time, prepares her favorite food.
A free life opens up opportunities for self-realization, travel, pursuing your favorite hobbies. All free time belongs to the woman. There is no need to adapt to the other person and take into account his interests.
There are many well-to-do women among free women. The absence of financial problems, the ability to quickly solve everyday problems, reduces the importance of marriage in their eyes. A high level of professionalism, material stability, depth of personality provide them with a large amount of male attention. Motherhood in the absence of a legal husband also ceased to be a problem.
Making a decision …
To marry or not is a personal decision of every woman. This is her right, not her duty. You can make the right choice by evaluating all the pros and cons. But this choice is individual, the same advice and criteria are not suitable for everyone.
The attitude towards the importance and obligation of marriage for a woman has changed in the modern world. Independent, self-sufficient unmarried women are increasingly encountered. There are pros and cons both in their lives and in the lives of those who are legally married. But, in any case, whether a woman should be married is up to her.