Types Of Family Education

Types Of Family Education
Types Of Family Education

Each family is a separate world with its own laws, habits, traditions. The way children grow up in a particular family most of all depends on the parents themselves. From their views on correct upbringing and the ability to apply them correctly.

types of family education
types of family education

On the basis of this, different types of family education have been identified in psychology. Of course, the elements of each of them vary from family to family, and sometimes the father and mother, even within the same family, raise children in different ways. But the main components of these types can still be distinguished.

Authoritative. It is also sometimes called democratic, and it is considered one of the best educational styles. In this case, parents treat their children warmly and emotionally. And despite the fact that the level of control and prohibitions is quite high, parents are ready to discuss difficult situations with children and take into account the age characteristics and capabilities of the child. With an authoritative type of upbringing, a fairly trusting relationship is formed in the family. Children are not afraid to seek advice or show their feelings.

Authoritarian. The main methods of upbringing here are control and pressure. A parent always knows best what his child needs and is not ready to make concessions. The child's independence is not supported. The reasons for the requirements are not always explained, and their failure to comply is severely punished. With an authoritarian type of upbringing, there can be no talk of trust between parent and child. Children, as a rule, are afraid to talk about their experiences, learn to keep their opinions to themselves. Subsequently, this leads either to increased aggression, or, conversely, to addictive behavior.

Liberal. Children are treated warmly and emotionally, but the level of control is very low. Children are allowed everything and they are forgiven for everything. As a rule, there are no punishments. Nobody applies requirements and rules to such children either. Not every child and not every age can handle such freedom and independence. Until a person has learned to make informed decisions and take responsibility for them, this can play a cruel joke. Permissiveness, inability and unwillingness to respect other people - this is the least that is possible to get with such an attitude towards a child.

Indifferent (conniving). With the same low level of control as above, here we are still dealing with a complete lack of interest in the child. The life and affairs of the parent are in the first place, but the child does not seem to exist at all. "Let him deal with his problems, I have no time." With a permissive type of upbringing, an emotional connection does not arise between parents and children. Lack of both control and love at the same time can be most severely reflected in adolescence. Such adolescents are more likely than others to fall into bad companies. But even in adulthood, it is difficult for them to find a family, learn to trust someone and take responsibility for their lives.
