Difficulty is a deviation in the behavior and psyche of a child that requires close attention from parents and teachers. Let's consider this problem in more detail, solving several questions.

The first question.
As you know, the development of a child as a person occurs under the influence of adults, whose upbringing is aimed at the value norms of children approved by the surrounding society.
If the child does not learn these norms and rules of proper behavior, does not fulfill the requirements of the people around him, then this is considered as the child's difficulty in education.
The second question.
There are many reasons. We list just a few of them. Errors in family upbringing, defects of the nervous system, character traits, difficult social adaptation, the negative influence of the environment and much more that the child faces.
The third question.
There are several components of family parenting that can help address educational difficulties. Let's list them.
Physical - it includes a healthy lifestyle: it is important not to drink or smoke in the family itself, to respect sports, healthy eating;
Moral - parents should remember that everyone forms their own personality, but it is mom and dad who are an example for their child. Therefore, it is important to love and respect your children, to be kind and decent, honest and fair.
Intellectual - you need to constantly look for something new with children, it is possible in play forms;
Aesthetic - it is important to be able to develop children's talents in different directions.
Parents should remember that the problem of educational difficulties is precisely the problem of the lack of proper attention of parents to their child.