During a crisis in family life, the decision of one of the spouses to divorce may be the most important step. Taking this step and getting out of the divorce process without significant losses is the main task. Moreover, losses should not be understood exclusively as the material aspect of the issue. The difficult morale of a divorcing person is no secret at all. Especially when the other side in every possible way prevents the successful resolution of the situation. Divorce initiated by one spouse is not an easy struggle, and one must carefully prepare for it.

Step 1
Hire a family and divorce lawyer. Discuss all your requirements with him. In the presence of children, the question should be raised immediately, simultaneously with the divorce, about determining their place of residence.
Step 2
If you cannot afford to seek the help of lawyers, file a divorce statement in court yourself. Briefly describe the family situation as a result of which you are asking the court to dissolve your marriage. Please list third parties as witnesses to support your claims. Write a statement of claim for divorce in duplicate and taking into account the requirements of Articles 131, 132 of the Code of Civil Procedure of Russia.
Step 3
Pay the fee of 200 rubles. according to the details of your district court. Gather all the documents you need to file a lawsuit. You will need: a paid receipt for state duty, marriage certificate, certificate of place of registration, birth certificate of children. Make copies of all documents.
Step 4
Submit the statement of claim along with the collected package of documents to the office of the magistrate court in your area. The first divorce hearing will be scheduled and held within one month. The agenda will inform you about the date of the meeting.
Step 5
During the hearing, provide the judge with reasons for your position. The court usually gives the spouses a three-month period for reconciliation. After this period, if at least one of the spouses insists on divorce, a decision on divorce will be made. If the other party refuses to attend the session, the court at the third session will make a decision without her participation.
Step 6
The decision to dissolve the marriage will take effect 10 days after it is announced in court. Take the decision from the court office. Provide it to the registry office, where you will be issued and issued a divorce certificate. Your marriage has been dissolved.