How often each of the spouses shouts at the next quarrel in the heat of the moment: "That's it! Divorce!" And how unpleasant it is if both understand that this is true, even if the relationship has completely come to naught. If reconciliation is not foreseen, it remains to dissolve the marriage as quickly as possible. to avoid a flurry of reproaches, a state of self-flagellation and prolonged depression.

If the spouses do not have joint minor children and both of them agree to a divorce, it is enough for them to come to the registry office and write a statement together. In about a month, the registry office employee will set the date of the next arrival, and if during this time the spouses have not reconciled, then they will be divorced. You should have your passports, marriage certificate and a receipt for payment of the state duty with you. A bill to increase the divorce fee is currently under consideration. Employees of the registry office are required to prepare a divorce certificate, put down marks on the dissolution of marriage in passports. If the spouses have a dispute over the division of property, then they should simultaneously apply to the court at their place of residence.
If the spouses have joint minor children, the first step is to go to court so that the judicial authority makes a decision on who the children will live with and how often the second spouse will have the right to visit the children. With a court decision and passports, you should then appear at the registry office.
If one of the spouses is against divorce, then he is still obliged to appear at the registry office or court. If the spouse did not appear 3 times, then the marriage may be considered invalid without his consent.
In some cases, the marriage can be dissolved without the consent of one of the spouses on the first try. To do this, one of the certificates should be provided to the registry office: the spouse has been in prison for more than 3 years, the spouse is incapacitated, the spouse is missing.
If the joint child is not one year old, and the mother is against divorce, the marriage cannot be dissolved until the child is one year old.
Divorce itself is not a wedding, the procedure is unpleasant, so it is very important to prepare for the divorce process in advance, to discuss all the nuances with your spouse, not to offend each other, not to give in to despair, not to injure the psyche of your own children. If the situation seems completely hopeless, it is better to consult a psychologist. After a divorce, former spouses need to try to maintain friendly relations, especially if they have common children.
No matter how difficult a divorce is, time will heal mental wounds, and after about a year, resentment, hatred, and remorse about what happened should disappear.