The rhythms of modern life are not conducive to passionate love relationships. When two are seen in snatches in the cycle of life, they have no time to pay attention to each other. And over time, they lose touch, live like neighbors out of habit. This state of affairs is wrong, unhealthy and dangerous. If you do not want to face betrayal or divorce, you must, without wasting time, start working on the renewal of the relationship.

Step 1
Look for a healthy balance between personal life, caring for children and relatives, and work. Determine when you can be alone with your spouse in a calm and relaxed environment. If sex is almost completely out of your life, at first it may be dating without intimacy. Talk, communicate, be interested in your partner's affairs, look for new points of contact with him, if old ones are lost. In general, start over from the beginning. As emotional warmth is restored, passion will return to your relationship.
Step 2
Take care of your appearance. It is not uncommon for spouses or long-term partners to relax in the presence of each other and begin to look bad. Passion for slob is difficult to experience. Especially for men. So both of them should clean up - get their hair cut, shave, wash, renew their wardrobe, buy a new fragrance, etc.
Step 3
Get rid of criticism and excessive pickiness. Sexologists know that men are afraid to approach grumpy women with offers of sex. If the wife "nags" them day after day, they begin to avoid intimacy. Or, even worse, take a pile of courage, which over time can become habit or even alcoholism. The same applies to women - it is difficult for them to plunge into sexual games with all their passion if their partner is too critical.
Step 4
Create the right atmosphere. Many spouses who have forgotten about sex often have all the conditions to have sex. And time, and external attractiveness, and a benevolent attitude towards each other. There is only one thing - the right attitude. It's easy to create: reproduce the sweetest moments of your past passion. They will awaken warm memories and feelings will rush with renewed vigor!