Building family relationships is an art that requires a thoughtful and patient attitude on the part of both partners. However, even in the most friendly families, disagreements are possible, which can jeopardize the very possibility of continuing the relationship. But you should not immediately put an end to the family - a wise woman will first try to find an answer to the question: "How to renew a relationship with her husband?"

Step 1
In order to renew your relationship with your husband, keep as many connections as possible. Ask your husband to help with the housework, offering to do “primordially male work”, for example, hang up the shelf you have purchased or repair any device. At the same time, be sure to emphasize that you highly value your spouse's help and praise his skill.
Step 2
If you have children, use this thread to renew your relationship with your husband. Ask him to pick up the children from school, or invite your husband to play some kind of sport with the child. Let him take care of finding a suitable section and take him there. The success of a child in the sports field is a great occasion for joint celebration.
Step 3
Engage in self-realization, become interesting and cheerful. Bring back that bright, interesting girl with burning eyes that your spouse once fell in love with. Change your image, master a new profession, be creative - all this will allow your husband to look at your relationship from a new angle. Shedding tears over a bitter fate, you only alienate your husband, who, like all other men, perceives women's tears as outright blackmail. And blackmail, as you know, is an extremely shaky platform for building joint relations.
Step 4
Make your husband's stay at home comfortable. Thinking over the design of the home, provide for some kind of corner (ideally, a separate room) in which your spouse will feel like the sole owner.
Step 5
Talk to your husband. Tell him what bothers you, listen to his opinion on this matter. Often, a breakdown in relations occurs at a time when the burden of unspoken grievances and mutual claims exceeds the critical mass. Remember - men and women look at many things differently, so disagreements are inevitable. The ability to listen and understand the interlocutor is the basis of a long and lasting relationship.
Step 6
Bring romance back to your relationship. Candles and erotic lingerie are classics, but they still work. But don't get hung up - don't limit yourself to the standard set. Show your imagination: extreme sex, a joint hike in the mountains, fishing, a hike for mushrooms or berries - all this brings together and helps to establish strong warm relationships.