Relationships between people depend on many factors, and it is impossible to give universal advice on how to behave with this or that person, since each of us is individual, has his own interests, character traits and ideas about the opposite sex. Therefore, the following tips cannot be considered a panacea, they can only help you find the right direction and meet people of interest to you.

internet, an interesting hobby
Step 1
Traditional attempts by men to meet girls on the street most often do not bring any results, although, of course, there are exceptions to any rule. There are much more chances to meet girls in clubs, and not necessarily in nightclubs, but in any clubs of interest, at meetings dedicated to a specific topic, be it a rally or a meeting of a tourist club. Here, the girls will treat new acquaintances more favorably, since you obviously have a common interest, for the sake of which you came to this or that meeting. But you don't have to go to culinary courses, where there are always many girls of any age, if you hardly know how to cook dumplings and, in general, the cuisine does not interest you at all. Choose those places that are really interesting to you. Do you like to play sports and run? Find a running club near you. Interested in photography? Sign up for a master class by a renowned photographer or take a photo walk. Speak a foreign language? In many cities there are language clubs where complete strangers meet and chat with each other at ease. And in almost all such "parties" there are much more girls than young people.
Step 2
Don't have any hobbies or can't find exactly what interests you? There are, of course, other ways of dating. For example, dating sites. But there are pitfalls here. Virtual dating often falls short of your expectations in reality. The girls turn out to be not as beautiful as in the photos published on the site. Or, despite interesting letters, in life he cannot really connect two words. Or turns out to be much older or younger than the age that interested you. Well, you should just remember that not all girls register on such sites. However, there is still a good chance to get to know each other. For the more daring, there are also various dating clubs that organize cafes, clubs, restaurants.
Step 3
Do not be afraid of girls, they will not bite you. And even if they do not show interest in you, do not get discouraged, nothing comes easy, even a simple acquaintance, try again and again. Do not be afraid to take the initiative, sometimes even the most lively girls are actually very shy and wait for the first step from you. But do not overdo it, excessive bravado can only, on the contrary, alienate a person from you. Listen and look closely to the girls to find the topic that might interest her when you meet. Do not be afraid to get into an awkward situation, there is a way out of each such situation, for example, a joke or a translation of the conversation to another topic.