Children's Grievances

Children's Grievances
Children's Grievances

Only in a loving family can a child find support and protection in difficult moments of his life. That is why an offense inflicted by the dearest person can become the hardest shock.

Children's grievances
Children's grievances

The child is hurt by humiliation in front of strangers. For some children, only the condemning look of their mother is enough to calm down, and for some - a clap on the buttocks in front of everyone. But the child does not always react to this in the same way as at home. Therefore, try to scold the baby away from prying eyes.

The child's capricious state can be provoked by something that he cannot yet explain. And adults, not wanting to understand the reasons for this behavior, exacerbate the situation with their shouts and often lightning-fast punishment. Be more attentive to the child. Always during the next whim, ask the question: "What does my baby want?"

Many parents of their baby are constantly compared with someone. They tell about some child that for a long time already he can do everything much better, faster, more accurately, etc. Try not to do this, even if you really want to, and you feel that you are 100% right. On the contrary, praise your baby more often, even for minor success.

The child has the right to make his own mistakes: bruises on the knee, a torn book, broken dishes. This is how he learns the world. Always be ready to listen to how he did it, and do not interrupt with the phrase: "I knew it!"

Respect your child's work. It happens that the craft made by the kid does not look very neat, and the drawn cow looks more like a dinosaur. However, this should not serve as a reason for ridicule and throwing away such "masterpieces" as rubbish. If you do decide to throw something away, do it unnoticed by the baby. And keep the most interesting in a separate box and periodically review with it.

Children are very offended when adults do not fulfill their promises. Always try not to promise your child what you cannot fulfill. Parents often think that their baby is too young and will forget everything. But children may not forget the promise made to them. If you do not fulfill the promise, you will lose his trust in you.

Let's make every effort to keep our children happy. And often it depends not on expensive gifts and fashionable clothes - but on how the parents love their baby.
