The magical world of children's books teaches the child the wisdom of life in a playful way. Poems for children have a unique developing effect. However, books, like toys, must be chosen wisely. If you remember your childhood or read forums for mothers, you can single out several popular children's authors.

1. Agnia Barto. More than one generation of children has grown up on the famous lines about Tanya crying from behind a ball and a bear without a paw. Barto's poems are rhythmic and humorous, easy to memorize. On the pages of collections you can find Tanyusha, Lida, and Vovka - every child in the character of the hero can guess similar traits.
2. Eduard Uspensky. With the light hand of a talented writer, the cat Matroskin, Cheburashka and many others were born. Ouspensky is also known for his scripts for cartoons, mischievous poems, plays for children and stories.
3. Samuel Marshak. Marshak's poems are informative. The collection “Children in a Cage” will introduce the kid to the cubs of animals in the zoo, and “All Year Round” will tell about each month of the year in a poetic form.
4. Boris Zakhoder. Practically many foreign children's poets "spoke" the language of Zakhoder. Being a talented translator, Zakhoder managed to compose his own poems ("Nobody", "Where to put a comma?", Etc.), as well as instructive books for children.
5. Marina Boroditskaya. Poet and translator. Collections of poems for children "Milk Runs Away", "The Last Day of Teaching", etc. Boroditskaya's poetic step resembles a rhyme, therefore it is easy to repeat and study.
6. Alan Alexander Milne. The author of the famous Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all. Collections of poems by Milne are of different ages: "When we were very young" and "Now that we are already six." Light, funny poems introduce children to the various adventures of a boy named Christopher - Robin and his teddy bear.
7. James Reeves. Once risked to translate the fairy tale of A. S. Pushkin's "On the Golden Cockerel", an English poet and elementary school teacher, Reeves became incredibly popular with children. His poems "Grumbles from Dull" and "Losers from Slastown": a little funny, a little sad and instructive, quickly won children's hearts with their unusual rhythm.
8. Roots Chukovsky. An indisputable contribution to Soviet children's literature was made by Korney Chukovsky with his book "From Two to Five", where he described his observations of children of this age. Famous fairy tales in verses "Moidodyr", "Cockroach", "Fly-Tsokotukha", "Aibolit" and others are still loved by children and adults.
9. Lewis Carroll. In addition to the world famous books "Alice in Wonderland" and "Alice Through the Looking Glass" Carroll wrote "the poetry of nonsense." Children especially like the poem "Jabberwocky" with unusual fantasy words - children love to distort words and invent their own names for everything they see.
10. Edward Lear. An English poet and passionate composer of gay nonsense. His limericks - short poems of five lines about different people make both adults and children smile.