Moral Development Of Children: What Is The Role Of The Family, And What Is The Role Of Educators And Teachers

Moral Development Of Children: What Is The Role Of The Family, And What Is The Role Of Educators And Teachers
Moral Development Of Children: What Is The Role Of The Family, And What Is The Role Of Educators And Teachers

It is necessary to cultivate moral values in children from an early age. In the family, the child receives the set of moral, spiritual qualities and skills with which he will go through life. School, on the other hand, helps to improve the skills acquired and to bring up a socially active, harmonious and holistic personality in the child.

Moral development of children: what is the role of the family, and what is the role of educators and teachers
Moral development of children: what is the role of the family, and what is the role of educators and teachers

Morality is an urgent and complex task of our society. In 2013, the Levada Center conducted a social survey in 45 regions of Russia. This experiment showed that since 2009 the spiritual and ethical categories in our country have dropped significantly. Among young people, the problem of irresponsibility and lack of hard work has increased.

The family is the primary and most significant factor in the formation of the moral values of every person. It transfers social experience, ethnocultural traditions from one generation to another. Thus, it makes a great contribution to the social and moral development of society.

Definition of the concept of morality and its importance in raising children

Morality is a set of moral and spiritual qualities that a person follows.

Moral education plays a very important role in the development of the morality and personality of each child. It forms the child's right actions and outlook on life. It teaches you to be responsive, to be able to sympathize, to respect the older generation. Develop spiritual qualities. Helps the child to develop true values in himself, also to follow them. If you do not develop moral values in children, they will not learn to understand and respect the feelings of loved ones and others. Will only focus on their own needs.

It is necessary to start raising children at an early age. They are like sponges, they absorb a lot of information just by observing the behavior and actions of adults.

The role of the family in the formation of morality

For preschool children, parents have a special meaning. Indeed, just at the stage of infancy, the baby's first feelings develop and form. First emotions. Parental behavior is the primary role model for children. In the family, the baby gets his first experience. It is the parents, their words and behavior that influence young children in a special way. The kid unconsciously adopts the manners of his parents, gait, speech.

The family helps the child to be able to control his behavior, his feelings. He could take care of family and friends. Respected not only his own, but also someone else's opinion. It is in the family that the child receives the set of qualities and skills with which he will go through life.

At this age, it is best for parents to educate morality through fiction. Read fairy tales and books together. Watch educational cartoons. Participate in reading or viewing material with your baby. Deal with special moments. Anwser the questions. Analyze the actions of characters in books or cartoons. To discuss with the child the moral, also not moral, actions of the heroes.

For school-age children, a family, by personal example, should show and instill good human qualities in the child. Help build a system of human values correctly.

The problem is that a lot of schoolchildren do not know the rules for communicating with adults. They do not take into account, do not respect the opinions of other children. Show aggression. The school question is the most difficult for a child, because entering a new school environment for him is accompanied by a stressful state. At school, a child may face such a number of problems:

  • worrying about bad grades;
  • lack of friends;
  • classmates offend;
  • overloaded schedule (the child gets tired and cannot cope with the load);
  • the teacher's nagging.

Accordingly, parents should devote more time to communicating with children. Listen to the child and provide him with maximum support in everything. Instill a correct understanding of the world around you. Carry out joint work. Study the rules of conduct in society.

    What is the role of educators and teachers

For preschoolers, a preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution) is another type of society where the kid learns to interact with other children. The task of educators is to introduce kids to traditional values. To educate them aesthetic feelings, morality. To form spiritually - moral relations and own involvement:

  • to your home, your family, the state;
  • to the cultural traditions of their people;
  • to the nature of the native land.

Create an environment that will provide emotional well-being for every child.

For schoolchildren, the process of the formation of moral consciousness is realized through a system of lessons, extracurricular activities. As a result, children form an initial idea of moral norms, rules of moral behavior. An attitude is being created towards the family as the basis of Russian society.

The task of the teacher is to form in the student the feelings of love for the Motherland, comradeship, commonwealth. Respect for working people. Be able to actively relate to reality. The teacher applies an individual approach, takes into account the interests of the child. In elementary school, teachers carry out activities of a moral nature, such as: "Kindness", "We are one." Make up the rules of friendship, rules of conduct in society.


Every person from birth has professional, spiritual and moral skills. And if you develop some and do not develop others, then nothing good for society and the future state will come of it. Only with the interaction of the family and the school is it possible to solve urgent problems, the holistic upbringing of children and spiritual and moral development.

In 2015, the Russian government introduced a parenting strategy until 2025. The strategy is focused on the development of social institutions. To update the educational process of general and additional education. To renew the system of family, spiritual and moral values. To raise the civil patriotic position.
