How To Resolve Conflict Between Teachers

How To Resolve Conflict Between Teachers
How To Resolve Conflict Between Teachers

In a work collective, even a friendly and close-knit, a conflict may arise. After all, people are not soulless mechanisms, they can get tired, nervous. In addition, each person has his own character, habits, tastes, views. Conflict can also arise between teachers at school.

How to resolve conflict between teachers
How to resolve conflict between teachers

Resolving the conflict between teachers by the school leadership

Regular encounter with dissimilar tastes, attitudes, habits is a situation fraught with conflict. The teaching staff is also not immune from this, especially since the majority of teachers in Russia are women, and the weaker sex is more emotional. The position of the school leadership plays an important role in resolving the conflict. The ideal option is if the warring parties themselves realize that they are behaving unworthily, and will reconcile (on their own initiative, or by listening to the exhortations of colleagues). Unfortunately, this is not always the case. If the conflict drags on, all the more so it takes on acute forms and negatively affects the moral and psychological situation in the teaching staff, the leadership, for example, the head teacher or the school director, has to act as an arbiter.

In such a situation, the leader needs to show exactingness, even rigidity, and at the same time the maximum possible objectivity and impartiality. He must listen carefully to both sides, sort out their arguments and complaints, and then make a decision: who is right and who is to blame for the outbreak of the conflict. Based on this, the leader can impose a penalty on the guilty party or limit himself to verbal suggestion and demand not to allow such situations to occur again. In any case, he should also point out to the parties to the conflict that the teaching profession imposes special requirements and that quarrels and disagreements between teachers negatively affect both their prestige and the reputation of the school where they work.

How can conflict between teachers be extinguished without leadership involvement?

The role of the reconciling party can be played by a teacher (the most senior in age, the unquestionable leader of the team, the informal leader of the team) or a group of teachers. The main thing is to prevent the transition of the conflict to individuals and to ensure that the warring parties agree to control themselves, observing the generally accepted rules of decency. This will help them subsequently come to a mutually acceptable compromise.

If no persuasions or admonitions help, other teachers should distance themselves as much as possible from the conflict, not side with one of its participants. After all, brawlers very often want to "play for the audience." When faced with the indifference of colleagues, they can temper their ardor.
