Ways To Resolve Conflicts Between Children

Ways To Resolve Conflicts Between Children
Ways To Resolve Conflicts Between Children

If you have two or more children, then conflicts cannot be avoided. In this case, you should not panic, since disputes and quarrels help children communicate and build relationships with each other. The emergence of quarrels and discontent arises from the emotionality and spontaneity of children. Not every adult is able to figure out how to resolve a dispute so that every child is satisfied. Let's take a look at some of the best practices that can help resolve differences between children.

Ways to resolve conflicts between children
Ways to resolve conflicts between children

Causes of the conflict:

  • Struggle for parental attention.
  • Boredom and tiredness.
  • Trying to get each other's attention.
  • Sibling rivalry.
  • Inattention of parents to children.

Rules for adults:

  • First, don't be biased. Understanding the situation, you need to act objectively, no matter how you treat one or another child.
  • Secondly, children should be taught to define the boundaries of their territory and share toys. In addition, it will be useful if the children ask each other for permission before taking the toy.
  • Thirdly, it is possible to intervene in conflicts and disputes of children only if there is a threat of harm to health.

Adult behavior in conflicts between children

  • In neutralizing conflicts between children, you need to act as a mediator, not a judge.
  • First of all, figure out what the problem is and explain it to the children. Moreover, each child should be explained the opinion of another child. Keep in mind that most quarrels arise from ridicule and unfair treatment of each other.
  • Next, you need to find a way out of the situation with the children. Invite the children to think of ways to resolve the dispute. For example, if the fight is about a game, tell them that they won't be able to continue until they can make up.
  • If, after explaining the situation, you have not been able to resolve the conflict, then gather a "family council" in which all family members can take part.
  • In this situation, it is necessary to stop the quarrel at the initial stage, preventing its aggravation. Often it is enough to change the environment for the children to calm down a little. After resolving all the contradictions, do not forget to praise the guys for their efforts.
