Masturbation is unhealthy. We must fight this bad habit with all our might, but, unfortunately, it is difficult. Masturbation can lead to the development of impotence, it weakens the immune system, causes sexual addiction, takes away creativity and reduces the ability to love and be loved.

Step 1
Exercise helps relieve sexual tension. It is well known that before important competitions, male athletes are strictly forbidden to have sex. After sexual contact, a man remains in a relaxed state for some time, his concentration decreases and the psychological attitude to fight disappears. Therefore, physical activity helps to get rid of the habit of masturbating. Go to the gym, get your apartment renovated, or just do a spring cleaning.

Step 2
Don't sit idle for a minute. Your hands should always be busy with something. It doesn't matter what: playing the guitar, knitting or doing crossword puzzles. The main thing is that you are not bored at the same time, and your head is constantly busy with thoughts. Daily masturbation sessions should be phased out. First, at least once a day, and then try to completely abandon this harmful, and, most importantly, completely useless occupation. Remember to constantly reward and praise yourself for every day you spend without masturbating.

Step 3
Try to communicate with people as much as possible. The more time you spend with friends, the less time you will have for masturbation. Try to find yourself a mate, but if you already have a girlfriend, then meet with her as often as possible. It is not necessary that your meetings end with intimacy, just try to spend as little free time as possible alone. If you have a close friend you trust, you can try talking to him about this exciting topic. Tell him about this problem. It often happens that it is much easier for two to cope with difficulties.

Step 4
It is simply vital to get rid of all kinds of temptations. You need to remove all pornographic films, photographs and videos from your computer. Of course, visiting porn sites is highly discouraged. You do not need to concentrate on thoughts that can cause excitement, drive away sexual fantasies from yourself.

Step 5
In the United States, the problem of sex addiction is no longer a secret for anyone. This topic is discussed at various levels and has long been ranked among the problems of a medical nature. Patients who suffer from too frequent masturbation are members of special groups of "sexaholics anonymous", where they work together to overcome this addiction. There are also doctors in Russia who can help cope with this problem: sexologists, psychotherapists and psychoanalysts.

Step 6
It is worth remembering that masturbation belongs to the category of bad habits that can pretty much ruin your life, and only after getting rid of it forever can you feel completely free.