Masturbation has long been perceived by traditional society as a sin. Even despite the emancipation of recent years, masturbation is still perceived negatively to this day due to its destructive effect on the psyche and self-esteem of a person.

A young man or girl gets the first experience of masturbation even in early adolescence, when the fragile psyche of a person can easily be aroused even from the very thought of sex. Unfortunately, not all parents can talk frankly and wisely with their children about the dangers of this habit, about the fact that, throwing out a large amount of semen, a young man loses a huge amount of nutrients. So, lecithin contained in semen is the main building material for the brain, and a person who practices masturbation lags far behind in development from their peers. And although the female anatomy is strikingly different from the male type of body structure, girls also do not benefit from masturbation, because the very fact of self-satisfaction negatively affects relationships with the opposite sex, and fantasies or watching porn create a negative stereotype about the norm of relations between a man and a woman.
The process of masturbation is rarely complete without watching porn, which negatively affects the perception of the opposite sex. As a result, this does not allow for a full and strong relationship.
How to quit masturbating
The main problem with masturbation is having a lot of free time and no purpose in life. Indeed, in the period of adolescence, a person has a huge potential for life force, which requires objective use. Finding no positive and constructive application, the excess of vitality seeks a way out. As a result, the teenager, who is idle and overwhelmed with desire, still decides to try masturbating.
It is difficult to imagine Suvorov or Bagration who, during a military campaign, instead of inspiring the soldiers to feats, simply masturbated in their tent under the pretext of developing a strategy for the future battle. A person who is busy achieving a goal will definitely not masturbate, if only because he has slightly different goals with respect to his vitality. So, the first step on the path to freeing yourself from the need to masturbate is to find a goal that can inspire. Such a goal may be to increase earnings, expand professional specialization and, of course, go in for sports. Training or sports will fill the void in life and help direct the body's forces to positive changes, and there will simply be no time for masturbation. And no doctor is needed to stop masturbating. All problems are only in the head.
Masturbation and daily routine
A person who is addicted to the self-gratification process rarely follows the daily routine. Moreover, masturbators have a lot of free time and go to bed well after midnight. A good piece of advice on how to quit masturbating is to establish a proper daily routine. Ideally, you need to get up no later than 08:00 in the morning, and go to bed between 23:00 and 00:00. After all, most of the cases of masturbation refer exactly to the time after midnight, when no one will definitely enter the room and will not interfere with this action.
Masturbation should in no case cause a feeling of guilt, as this will only make it difficult to quit this bad habit. Getting rid of masturbation should be perceived as a task with a positive attitude towards a successful result.
Having a goal in life and a correct daily routine can help you build self-esteem, empower you and improve your mood. With only these two factors at hand, a person will understand that he is too good, and indeed cool, to masturbate.