A masturbating child is quite common. If you catch a child masturbating, don't scold him. Better to pause and have a frank conversation, revise his daily routine.

In modern society, it is not customary to talk openly about masturbation. This is considered something forbidden and dirty. In fact, more than 90% of people have engaged in or continue to engage in masturbation. Someone even abandoned sexual partnerships, since masturbation is completely safe when viewed from the point of view of infection with sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS.
Masturbation is found even in kindergartens
Even kindergarten pupils masturbate. This is especially true for boys who cannot fall asleep after dinner until they achieve a positive result. Schoolchildren generally practice masturbation several times a day, especially during rapid puberty. They are interested in erotic pictures, movies, magazines.
What to do if a child is caught masturbating
If you find your child masturbating, don't panic. Think of yourself in his years. Surely you, too, have resorted to this method of relaxing sexual arousal. It may well be that you continue to practice even now.
Pause for a few minutes until the child realizes that his "terrible secret" has been revealed. Try to calm yourself down to prepare for an open conversation.
If a child of school age, you can talk to him seriously, without hiding many facts. So, you retire with a child caught masturbating and explain to him what masturbation is and what it can lead to. At the same time, you need to speak calmly, without screaming, a frightening look.
Few facts about the effects of masturbation
First, masturbation impairs memory and attention. The point is that sexual energy is released during orgasm. This is a colossal amount of creative energy that can work wonders for human health. It is so provided by nature that during orgasm, a man gives energy to a woman, and a woman to a man. With such an exchange, mental activity, memory, intelligence, attention and much more are improved. If the orgasm is one-sided, energy is released without exchange.
Secondly, frequent masturbation leads to loss of vision. All the same energy during orgasm is not all released, accumulating in the upper part of the head. With each new one-sided orgasm, it becomes more. Masturbation especially affects the vision in girls, because their energy is released through the upper part, while in men it is slightly lower.
Thirdly, with frequent masturbation, you can fail at the first sexual intercourse. Some avid masturbators claim that they cannot achieve orgasm with a partner, it is much easier for them to bring themselves to their peak on their own. It is difficult to live with this, since the other half will clearly not be happy with this state of affairs.
Being busy with current affairs
Even these three factors, said in a calm tone, chewed up to the smallest detail, are enough for a child to think. Parents should also think about why the child resorts to masturbation? It may well be that he lacks employment during the day. Then you should write it to the section so that a new hobby appears in life. Children often masturbate for fun, because they have nothing to do. If a new hobby emerges, the habit will disappear on its own.
Under no circumstances poke your child, constantly reminding you that you caught him masturbating. It's not the end of the world yet. He studies himself, everything is interesting to him. This is especially true for boys, who enjoy watching how the penis grows in size.
By not reminding him of the wrongdoing, you will allow him to trust you, which will have a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the family.