One of the most painful psychological trauma a relationship can cause is adultery. At this moment, absolutely everything collapses for the injured party: faith in love, hopes, joint plans, peace of mind. But do not forget that it is not easy for the one who cheated. Especially if the betrayal turned out to be a fatal mistake. It is incredibly difficult to regain the old trust, but if you really love the person, you cannot give up.

Step 1
If you are going to glue the broken bowl of your relationship together, first answer the simplest question as truthfully as possible: “Do you really want to restore the relationship or are you kidding yourself? For some reason, you still changed? " If your decision is firm, in the first place, when talking with your partner, do not offend him with new lies. Be honest about what happened. Excuses like "was drunk" are demeaning for your other half and inappropriate.
Step 2
Be sure to say that you regret and regret what you did literally from the first minute. Remember sincerity. Most likely, questions from your significant other will follow that will not be entirely pleasant to you, but you must answer them honestly. Otherwise, you risk being caught in a lie again, and your relationship will definitely not get better because of this.
Step 3
The sincerity of your words must be proven by deeds, so immediately break off all relations with the one with whom you committed adultery. No communication, even on the phone and, moreover, no personal meetings. By doing this, you can prove to your loved one your serious intention to end such acts once and for all.
Step 4
To prevent such situations from happening again in your life, you need to try to understand the very reason for the betrayal. What problems or omissions triggered you to pay attention to the other person? The right step would be to see a good family counselor. Do not be shy about the help of such a specialist. Some married couples mistakenly consider the very fact of consulting a psychologist as an admission that their marriage did not take place. But for the sake of your love, for the sake of joint happiness with a loved one, you should not renounce this opportunity. A family psychologist is, first of all, a solution to your problem, not a statement of it.
Step 5
It is necessary to go to a specialist together. You both want to save the relationship. Your classes will take place in three stages. First, you will tell each other about what feelings you had to endure after the betrayal. Then find out the reasons that led you to this. And only then will there be a very difficult, painstaking joint work on building long-term and harmonious relationships.
Step 6
In addition, be prepared for the fact that you will have to apologize for treason more than once. Most likely, you will need to prove your love and loyalty to your soulmate for a long time, but the happiness is worth it.