Not a single woman, even in a nightmare, wants to see that her man is cheating on her. However, sometimes such unpleasant events occur in life - a man can have a mistress, and you face a serious problem when you need to decide - to leave your partner and start a new life, or to try to eliminate the rival and return the man to the family.

Step 1
Remember the main thing - do not arrange scenes and tantrums for the man. This will only turn him against you. Whatever feelings overwhelm you, don't let them get out of your control.
Step 2
To defeat a rival, you need to become better than her in the eyes of a man, which means, first of all, think about what made a man look for a more interesting partner in you.
Step 3
Think about what a man might be missing in your relationship. Maybe in the last period you did not give him enough affection, love and care, plunging into work or some personal affairs, or maybe the reasons are in something else.
Step 4
In any case, you need to understand these reasons and start thinking about a clear strategy to improve your own image in the eyes of your husband. You should show him not by words, but by actions that the new partner is nothing compared to you.
Step 5
Remember what a man loves the most, and discreetly fulfill his desires, cook your favorite dishes, surprise and respond to his needs.
Step 6
Try to keep the man at home for as long as possible watching a movie or eating a delicious pie - being late for dates, he will feel guilty, and he may not want to leave his own house, which has become much more comfortable with your efforts.
Step 7
Take a critical look at yourself - was your appearance the reason for the betrayal? Start taking care of yourself, doing beautiful hairstyles, wearing elegant dresses and jewelry that your husband gave you and that he loves to see on you. Increase your self-esteem - love yourself and a man will love you again.
Step 8
In no case try to provoke a man into reciprocal jealousy. This will push him away from you. Be patient and calm, show your husband that you are the best and most beautiful woman he has. Over time, he will understand that he does not want to lose you and start building a relationship with an unknown new woman.