Is a rival on the horizon endangering personal happiness? A girl who is trying to break a couple or prevent the union of two hearts, as a rule, is ready to do anything or at least go to great lengths to achieve her own goal. Therefore, you will have to give her a worthy rebuff.

Step 1
The worst rival in the battle for a man's heart is an ex-girlfriend. You liked the guy and expected her to step aside, even if she likes him. But your dreams of such mercy on her part were in vain. She is ready to bump her elbows with you for him, and now you are on opposite sides of the barricades - and this is the main thing. She knows your pluses and minuses, so she can tell him about them, put you in an unfavorable light. However, you can do the same. But it is not worth throwing mud at the ex-friend until she herself begins such actions. This will make you look dignified anyway.
Step 2
The key to success is knowledge and competent use of the enemy's weaknesses. Is the girl too jealous? Surround the man with understanding and condescension for his little weaknesses. Does she tend to demand expensive gifts? As if by chance, let your man know that you think it is too wasteful spending on diamonds and expensive restaurants. Any rival will try to blacken you. Therefore, do not try to call her and threaten, ask her to step aside - it will give her an unforgettable pleasure, and she will not hesitate to tell your man about it. She seeks a break, and after this conflict in a pair can not be avoided.
Step 3
Revenge is a dish to be served cold. On a hot head, you will not come up with the right way out of this situation. You should not hope that your rival will be touched by your pleas. Your response should be worthy and equal to her actions. Develop a smart plan to eliminate it and stick to it. If you give vent to your emotions, you will lose. At the same time, do not feel sorry for the enemy - after all, she did not feel sorry for you when she planned to break your pair.