Your relationship with your beloved seems ideal and now you find out that he has another - an insidious rival. It seems that life ended there. But everything is not so bad - a couple of right steps, and life will be wonderful again.

It is necessary
A sheet of paper and a pen, 10,000 rubles, a diary
Step 1
You need to understand if you need this man. Perhaps a spirit of competition or a habit has awakened in you, so we connect the mind. To do this, take a sheet of paper and draw two columns "Attracts in a relationship" - "Strains in a relationship." Then fill them in. As a result, it will become clear whether you need to remove your rival and return your loved one or not.
Step 2
So, this man is our soul mate and we need to remove our rival. Above all, one should remain calm and self-controlled. Tantrums, screams and scandals will interfere with the return of the chosen one. So get together with your girlfriends, drink some wine and have a heart-to-heart talk. If necessary, go to the club and dance all night. This will help to release negative emotions and relax.
Step 3
Remember and write down everything that made you two happy during the positive period of the relationship. After that, opposite each item, write an option to remind your loved one about them or repeat in a new format. For example, print photos from first dates, joint vacations and holidays. Pictures can be hung around the apartment in places where your loved one spends most of the time: a sofa in the living room, a rocking chair on the loggia, and others. Or make a beautiful collage and place it in the most conspicuous place. This will help to subtly remind him how good you were together.
Step 4
Reasonably assess yourself with a man's gaze - what attracts and what should be corrected. Then write down what you want to change on paper and next to each item, options for achieving what you want. For example, to make your figure more attractive - 1. Sign up to the pool 2. Go to the dances 3. Go with your friends to the IR (Infrared) sauna 4. After 19.00 eat only fruits and vegetables. Now choose one or more options on each list and write it down on another piece of paper. In front of each action, indicate the time frame in which you will begin to act. Now put them in your diary and start living according to your schedule. This will help you become more confident and attractive, start catching the glances of men on the street and give your loved one a reason for jealousy / anxiety.
Step 5
Well, now it's worth remembering what your man loves: dishes, films, books and more. It's better to write everything down on a piece of paper in the form of a list and start supporting it in their interests by crossing the item off the list. For example, he likes to watch football - you buy two tickets for it and go with him, asking with keen interest about what is happening. Or you buy a CD with his favorite music and turn it on in the evening when you are doing household chores. This will let him know that you have a lot in common and you understand him.