What Makes A Man Happy

What Makes A Man Happy
What Makes A Man Happy

Of course, each person is responsible for his own feelings, including the state of happiness, but in many respects it depends on the people around him and other moments. And if for most women the main factor of happiness is what is nearby (man, family, children), then the sphere of the happy interests of a man is usually wider. Although the beloved woman always has a very strong influence on her partner.

What makes a man happy
What makes a man happy

The idea that everyone has their own idea and their own criteria for happiness is banal, but this does not become less true. Although there are some components that are relevant for most of the stronger sex.

Almost every man needs a sense of self-realization and a feeling that his achievements are appreciated by those around him (beloved woman, loved ones, colleagues, bosses, etc.). And it doesn't matter how great these achievements are. If you want to see your man happy, praise him for any, even insignificant, even sometimes far-fetched success. The methods used in rewarding children are fully applicable to men. Do not think that if you criticize, he will intensify his efforts, rather, on the contrary, he will give up and become depressed.

Material expression of male achievements (car, apartment, house, etc.) significantly add positive feelings. But with all this, most men understand that something else is needed to be completely happy.

A man should feel himself the master of the house. A wise woman will always find a way to direct her husband's thoughts and actions in matters of principle in the direction she needs, but you should not do it by force. Also, do not bother a loved one with constant advice and instructions on what and how to do, let him decide for himself. The feeling of self-worth is one of the most important components of male happiness.

Even in family life, a man needs a personal life - friends, hobbies. Do not try to prohibit or severely restrict his communication outside the family.

A man, no less than a woman, wants to feel desirable. This is expressed in a less romantic form, but this does not become less important. Give a man pleasure in bed, fulfill his desires, try to always support his initiative and show it yourself.

Male and female ways of thinking and perception are very different, but if you try, you can well learn to understand each other. The main thing is to try to understand what exactly the man wants to say, and do not react to intonation or seeming subtext. Avoid accusations, especially those that are harsh. If you want to explain something to a man, speak his language, avoid hints and understatements, speak directly and, if possible, reasonably. The more mutual understanding and trust, the more reliable the relationship and the more comfortable the atmosphere in the house.

And, of course, for happiness, a man also needs to feel loved and unique. Take care of him, show your tenderness and affection and accept him as he is, without trying to remake.
