What To Do To Get Married

What To Do To Get Married
What To Do To Get Married

The hit song of the 1960s-70s "The Girls Are Standing" reflects the sad domestic realities, which boil down to the fact that "for ten girls, according to statistics, there are nine guys." Unfortunately, the situation has not changed for the better since then, and many women are faced with the problem of finding a life partner.

What to do to get married
What to do to get married

Girls and women seeking marriage, first of all, should expand their circle of contacts. For dating, all the possibilities are good: communicate via the Internet, post your profiles on dating sites, advertise your search for a soul mate in newspapers. There is no need to close in four walls and spend evenings at home. On the contrary, try to "go out", take part in friendly gatherings, do not refuse invitations to holidays and celebrations.

That being said, remember that no one has a second chance to make a first impression. Carefully monitor your appearance: be with makeup, well-combed and neatly dressed. Always carry a mirror, a hairbrush and essential cosmetics in your purse. At the same time, keep in mind the well-known saying that "the beast runs to the hunter and the beast." Do not go to extremes: make-up and clothing should match your inner self. If, being humble by nature, you create a defiant image for yourself, then you will attract the wrong men who suit you.

When making new acquaintances, behave kindly, but with restraint. Give the man the opportunity to speak, while you yourself try to listen and hear more. Delve into what the man says about himself and his relationships with people around him; compare this information with your own observations. Train your female discernment.

Do not rush to start an intimate relationship. Men appreciate more what they got with difficulty. Also, don't give your boyfriend a reason to think of you as a woman who is prone to intimacy easily.

If several new acquaintances have appeared at the same time, it is important to immediately cut off unnecessary unpromising contacts. Assess the applicants in your mind. From the list of potential suitors, you can exclude married men, "Don Juans", as well as those who are not suitable for subjective reasons. In addition, think about whether “mama's sons” have appeared in your environment, men whose words often differ from their deeds, and gentlemen who want to live beautifully at the expense of their partner. Such men, as a rule, are not the best candidates for husbands, but communication with them will "eat up" the time that could be used to find a worthy party.

When you decide on the chosen one, and the relationship enters the stage of intimacy, catch the "signals" of the man that he considers you as a potential spouse:

- spends a lot of time with you, insists on frequent meetings;

- remembers the dates of your acquaintance and first date;

- remembers your birthday and gives gifts, makes surprises;

- takes care of, protects you, is ready to defend your interests in relations with other people;

- is interested in all the nuances of your life;

- likes to talk to you heart to heart.

Do not pressure a man and do not start talking about starting a family first. There is a more reliable way to make it clear that you are ready for family life. So, it is in your power to get an idea of what a man loves and does not like, and to provide comfort to your chosen one. Some put cleanliness and order in the house at the forefront, others - delicious food, hospitality of the hostess, for the third the most important thing is the attractive appearance of a woman. Try to meet the expectations of the gentleman, although for this you may have to work on yourself.

Finally, do not get lost when you receive a marriage proposal. If you are confident in your choice, answer with consent. Do not risk declaring a cutesy "no" when you dream of trying on a wedding dress, because a man may not dare to ask for your hand again. Accept the offer beautifully and with dignity: it is about this event that you will have to tell your children and grandchildren more than once.
