How To Make Twins

How To Make Twins
How To Make Twins

Table of contents:


Many women dream of a child. Among them there are those who dream of twins or twins. Of course, you will have one or two children - this is, to a certain extent, a lottery. But, recently, thanks to the development of medicine and pharmacology, the chances of getting a “winning ticket” have been significantly increased. Some couples even deliberately go for it.

Planning a pregnancy
Planning a pregnancy


Competent doctor, money and faith in luck


Step 1

First, you need to understand the terminology. Twins are different. Identical twins (the one that develops from a single egg) cannot be planned. And it is impossible to somehow influence the birth of such twins. Therefore, we will focus on fraternal twins. Let's say right away that you can't plan it either. But it is possible to stimulate the birth of twins, increasing the chances of multiple pregnancies.

A good doctor is half the battle
A good doctor is half the battle

Step 2

Therefore, we take step two and choose from two options:

1. Artificial insemination. Typically, doctors implant multiple fertilized eggs to increase the chances of a successful outcome. And if several cells successfully take root at once, the development of multiple pregnancy begins.

2. Hormonal stimulation. There are a number of hormonal medications that stimulate ovulation. When taking these drugs, several eggs mature at once, which can lead to multiple pregnancies.


Step 3

Having examined all the possibilities and having made our choice, we proceed to the next step in achieving our goal. Find a good doctor with whom you can discuss this problem. Listen to his competent opinion and make an informed decision about your further actions.
