When To Start Wearing A Maternity Bandage

When To Start Wearing A Maternity Bandage
When To Start Wearing A Maternity Bandage

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A maternity bandage is a special orthopedic belt or corset to support the abdomen from below. It is necessary to reduce the load on the spine, which intensively increases during the entire period of bearing a child. In addition, the maternity bandage is a good prevention of stretch marks on the skin in the abdomen and sides. But the cosmetic function is not the main purpose of the bandage: it is primarily used for medical reasons.



Step 1

The obstetrician should tell the woman when to start wearing a maternity bandage. Usually they begin to wear it at 4–5 months of the term, when a noticeable belly appears. But the expectant mother should be guided by her own feelings: if it is difficult for her to cope with the increased loads, then the time has come. However, some experts do not recommend starting the brace before 20 weeks of pregnancy. In some cases, it may be completely contraindicated. But there are also situations when the bandage is prescribed for strict medical reasons.

Step 2

If the pregnancy is multiple or the woman has such pathologies as an increase in the volume of amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios) or a scar on the uterus, then you need to start wearing the bandage from the 16th week of pregnancy. This will help prevent the risk of complications during pregnancy. Mandatory indications for wearing a bandage from early pregnancy are also a large fetus, a threat of miscarriage, a low placenta or an excessively enlarged uterus. A contraindication for wearing a bandage is an incorrect position of the fetus in the uterine cavity. In such cases, an orthopedic bandage is not prescribed for the expectant mother, since it is able to prevent the child from turning over into the correct position.

Step 3

Women with well-developed abdominal muscles during their first pregnancy can postpone the use of the brace until about 28 weeks. Of course, this recommendation will only be true if the expectant mother does not feel discomfort and does not suffer from back and lower back pain. During the second or third pregnancy, you cannot do without a bandage in any case, as the abdominal wall stretches more and faster with each subsequent pregnancy. In this case, you need to start wearing an orthopedic corset immediately after the appearance of the abdomen.

Step 4

The bandage must be removed during the daytime rest and at night. During the day, you should take breaks every 2–3 hours, getting rid of the bandage for 30–40 minutes. From the 38th week of pregnancy, it is recommended to wear it only before long walks or while doing housework. During this period, the female body is actively preparing for the upcoming childbirth, and the abdomen begins to gradually lower, therefore, wearing a bandage should be limited to a minimum. However, in some cases, for example, with a high risk of premature prolapse of the fetus, the bandage is used until the last days of pregnancy.
