Pregnancy is one of the most wonderful stages in a woman's life. However, in the second trimester, feelings of discomfort and heaviness in the lumbar region begin to arise. Only a bandage can alleviate this condition. However, in order not to harm the child, the expectant mother should know when and how to wear this device.

Bandage for pregnant women: the timing of wearing
Often, the bandage begins to be worn in the fourth month of pregnancy solely for the purpose of preventing stretch marks. But at 8-9 months it is already strongly recommended by gynecologists. However, there are no clear prescriptions from which month you need to start wearing the bandage. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the pregnant woman. Some are advised to use it earlier, others, on the contrary, later.
Weakened abdominal muscles are more common with repeated pregnancies or multiple pregnancies.
In the early stages, it is recommended to wear a bandage if you:
- lead an active lifestyle and spend most of the time on your feet;
Have weakened abdominal muscles
- have a predisposition to the appearance of stretch marks;
- have diseases such as osteochondrosis, varicose veins or obstetric pathologies;
- have a threat of premature birth.
Bandage for pregnant women: rules of use
In order to avoid problems associated with wearing a bandage, you should remember a few rules.
The bandage is worn for the maximum time for 2-3 hours, after which it is necessary to take a break for 40-50 minutes. It is strictly forbidden to wear a bandage 24 hours a day, unless you have been prescribed it for medical reasons.
The bandage must be tightened so that it does not squeeze the abdominal cavity, but only supports the abdomen.
In any position, the pregnant woman should not feel discomfort from the bandage, it must perform the function of relief. Otherwise, you should consult your doctor.
Types of bandages for pregnant women
Today there is a huge selection of bandages.
The combined brace is ideal for women with back and lower back pain.
The most popular types are:
Bandage panties - they have a special insert that grows with the tummy, they also have a thought-out lower fastener, eliminating the problem associated with going to the ladies' room.
Bandage shorts - almost the same design as bandage shorts, but a more insulated version.
Bandage belt - thanks to special adjustable fasteners, it fixes the correct position of the uterus.
Combined bandage - such a device can be worn not only during pregnancy, but also in the postpartum period.
Remember: before you start using the bandage, it is better to consult with your gynecologist.