Every girl has dreamed of a solemn marriage ceremony since childhood. It is so important for a woman how she will look that day. And suddenly - an unplanned pregnancy. Even if the date of the wedding is not set, 99 times out of 100, the couple will rush to the event. However, the question arises as to how long a pregnancy can be used to wear a wedding dress.

Some women refuse to get married if their interesting position has already become noticeable. The first thing that stops them is what people think.
What can ruin the upcoming holiday
The people around are likely to decide that this is a “fly-by” marriage. Even if this is so, you should not pay attention to the opinions of strangers.
The main thing is the sincere desire of a man and a woman to unite by marriage and raise a baby together. In addition, choosing a wedding dress for a pregnant bride with today's assortment will not be difficult.
Of course, the bride's desire to look innocent and airy plays an important role. What kind of romance can there be with a bulging belly? This is what the majority thinks and, again, they are wrong.
For many men, a pregnant woman is associated with fertility, family warmth and even sex. If the chosen one of the bride really loves her, she will be beautiful for him in any form. Moreover, today it is permissible to wear a wedding dress in the last trimester of pregnancy.
Outfit for the first two trimesters
Today it is not shameful to go down the aisle, leading one child by the hand, and carrying the second in the stomach. And there are no problems with choosing a toilet. Even venerable fashion designers produce at least one wedding dress for a pregnant bride in the collection.
The most favorable period for a wedding is the period of the first and second trimester. First, it's easier to choose an outfit. Secondly, it is less likely to get tired early and harm the fetus.
If there is no belly yet, you can wear any dress you like and emphasize the dignity of the figure. When a tummy appears, you need to choose a style that will hide it. For example, Empire style and A-line wedding dresses are very popular.
Last trimester dress
Many, wondering at what stage of pregnancy it is possible to wear a wedding dress, are sure that it is not worth getting married in the last trimester. Of course, if there are health problems or the expectant mother is afraid to overwork, it is better to postpone the celebration. But there will be no problems with choosing a toilet. One has only to take into account a few nuances.
Those who are planning a wedding already at a decent time do not need to buy a dress in advance - their belly will grow anyway. The best choice here would be rental.
So that the wedding dress in the last trimester of pregnancy does not cause discomfort to the baby, it is worth turning to models with a high waist. You should not tighten your stomach, hoping to hide your position. Everyone already knows that the bride is pregnant. And the desire to look slimmer can only emphasize the impressive forms.
Color will help to adjust the proportions of the shape. It is worth abandoning the traditional white in favor of beige or blue. Also, pregnant brides are advised to choose the style of a dress with sleeves to hide their plump arms.