Sometimes it is not easy to convince your little one that brushing their teeth or washing their face is what they need. And adult arguments about the need to observe hygiene rules do not have a positive effect.

Children do not like the words "you must" and "you need", but every child loves rhymes and nursery rhymes, especially those told and sung by their beloved mother. Our ancestors knew a lot about the upbringing and development of children, much of their experience is now forgotten and not used, but the so-called "artistic word" is the principle of pedagogy that really works and brings joy to both mom and baby.
Of course, it is necessary to talk about the importance of hygiene procedures, as well as to show your own example and read fiction on this topic. However, a funny nursery rhyme or a funny rhyme can make the baby forget about tears and listen to his mother's voice, and subsequently he will really love all these procedures that will help him grow up healthy.
When telling nursery rhymes, it is advisable to follow a few rules:
- Reading by heart - it will be inconvenient for you to hold a book with one hand and wash your child's neck with the other. Nursery rhymes are simple and memorize in a few minutes. If you are not at all sure about your memory, print them on a sheet and hang them on the bathroom wall.
- Emotionality - read nursery rhymes joyfully, monotonous mumbling will not delight anyone. And here it doesn't matter what you are telling, poetry or a speech on philosophy.
- Make eye contact with your baby - your baby should see your happy face, your smiling eyes. Every line of your face should tell him how much you love him, how glad you are, how pleasant it is to wash your face and become clean and cheerful.
Cultural and hygienic skills
Water, water, Wash my face
So that the little eyes shine
So that the cheeks turn red
So that the mouth laughs, To bite a tooth.
We know, we know, yes-yes-yes, Where is the water hiding here.
Come out, voditsa, We have come to wash!
Lay on your palm
Not too many -
No, not a little -
It will be more fun to wash!
The bunny began to wash. It can be seen that he was going to visit him. Washed his mouth. Washed his nose. Washed his ear. That's dry.
Ay, frets, frets, We are not afraid of water, We wash cleanly, We smile at the baby. The water is flowing, The child is flowing, From a duck's water - From the child is thinness. Water down, And the child up. Sea-sea, Silver bottom, Gold coast, Drive the shavings along the waves! Light boat, Golden bottom, Silver fun, Muscle tree, Green trawls. Swim, little boat, go ahead!
Open the tap
Wash your nose
Wash immediately
Both eyes, Wash your neck