When your baby is three years old, start teaching him to wash himself. The child should wash under your supervision, and to make it easier for him to reach, use a wide bench.

Hang the baby towel and robe high enough for the baby to reach for them on their own. It is also convenient for the child to arrange his soap and toothpaste with a brush.
Although milk teeth grow gradually, by the age of three, almost all teeth have grown and need daily and regular care. It is necessary to teach the child to observe oral hygiene as early as possible, this will help to avoid the troubles associated with this, both for the baby and the parents. Already from the age of two, you can begin to teach your child to brush his teeth.
A child's toothbrush should not be hard, it is better to choose a toothpaste specifically for children, and the amount of paste should be small, use a pea-sized paste at a time.
Teach your child to brush their teeth twice a day, and the main thing is to do it right. It is necessary to move the brush along the upper jaw from top to bottom, and along the lower jaw from bottom to top. Teach your child to rinse his mouth after eating.
In addition, it is important to teach your child how to blow his nose. But the younger the child, the more difficult it will be to teach the child. Children begin to blow their nose on their own by 3-4 years. If, with a clogged nose, the child breathes through the mouth, this can lead to inflammation of the adenoids and tonsillitis. Also, if a child with a cold will swallow snot, this will lead to the progression of the disease, because they contain a huge amount of bacteria. It is better to teach a child to blow his nose in a playful way, play with him in "paravozika" or "elephant". In addition, show more by your own example.