Some parents do not always pay due attention to the hygiene of the genitals of their young sons. This can lead to various pathological processes, which in the future will negatively affect the male reproductive and sexual function. To prevent this from happening, you must follow a number of specific rules for caring for a boy.

Hygiene from the first days
Most congenital abnormalities of the male genital organs can be successfully diagnosed from birth. The external organs of boys have a special structure - a narrowed foreskin and a hidden head of the penis. This condition is natural and does not need correction. It is also forbidden to forcibly bare the head, as this can lead to trauma to the mucous membrane of the foreskin and form cicatricial changes.
Usually, the head is exposed on its own during the growing up of the baby, opening up by the age of six or even earlier.
Parents are obliged to strictly follow the rules for caring for the genitals of a child from the first days of his life. If this does not happen, the boy may develop pain in the foreskin, swelling, redness and purulent discharge of yellow or white color. In this case, it should be immediately shown to a doctor who will determine the cause of redness, swelling, inability to close the head and urinary retention. Also, you need to contact the doctor if the child has received any trauma to the perineum, has had mumps, or complains of pain in the penis (scrotum) area.
Hygiene rules
Newborn boys should be washed once a day after regular bathing by gently pulling back the foreskin and rinsing the head with warm boiled water or warm chamomile decoction. All folds near the genitals, including the testicles, should be thoroughly washed with baby soap or baby shower gel. If the child is heavily soiled with feces, they are removed before washing with moistened wipes or cotton wool with baby lotion.
A boy should independently take care of his genitals from the age of four to five (under the supervision of his parents).
After washing, the baby's skin must be dried with a towel or soft diaper, after which the genital area is treated with baby powder or other special means for caring for the baby. When applying sterile baby oil or cream to the skin, do not lubricate the penis with it, so as not to cause irritation or allergies. After completing all the necessary hygiene procedures, it is advisable to leave the boy completely undressed for a few minutes so that the skin and folds in the area of the external genital organs can be ventilated before putting on diapers and diapers.